
Introducing LCA:Made



Introducing LCA:Made

[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edwx7KMkDAo”][vc_column_text]Lambda Chi Alpha would like to introduce its newest campaign, LCA:Made.

This new initiative puts the spotlight on members of our brotherhood that have been forged in Lambda Chi Alpha and came out as leaders, innovators, survivors, difference makers and vanguards.

For the first time, the fraternity will place a priority on telling stories in a visually compelling manner. Capturing a firsthand look and feel of our brother’s accomplishments and journeys in a more captivating way than traditional print and photos.

LCA:Made will showcase tangible examples of the fraternity’s core values and illustrate that our men “practice what they preach.”

To begin, we feature Jack Hesser of Ball State. Through his sense of duty, Hesser propelled himself into the positions of High Alpha and SGA President.

“When you have a sense of duty for an organization or a cause it really reflects on your passion for it.”

But this is only a small first step; brothers across the country just like Jack have stories to tell and a light to shine on just what type of men make up Lambda Chi Alpha.

So let us pay you a visit. Send us your candidates and stories to communications@lambdachi.org with the subject line, “LCA:Made” and we’ll do the rest.


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