Kevin Brady to head House Ways and Means Committee
In a closed election, the 33-member Steering Committee voted in Brother Kevin Brady (University of South Dakota) on Thursday, Nov. 5 to head the House Ways and Means Committee.
WASHINGTON — Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas was chosen Wednesday to succeed Rep. Paul Ryan as chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, beating out Ohio Rep. Pat Tiberi for the post.
The committee perch is one of the most coveted in the House, and it puts the Texas Republican at the center of looming battles in Congress over tax reform, highway funding, and other high-profile issues.
In a statement Wednesday, Brady said he would use the committee gavel to advance “a pro-growth agenda to get this country back on track. This includes taking real steps toward fixing this broken tax code, reforming welfare, saving Social Security andMedicare for the long term and enlarging America’s economic freedom to trade.” (Via USA Today)
The Alpha-Gamma Zeta alum has been the the U.S. Representative for Texas’s 8th congressional district since 1997.
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