Lambda Chi Alpha introduces an updated Style Guide for 2016
The General Fraternity is proud to announce the updated Style Guide for 2016. As an officer, member or alumni of Lambda Chi Alpha you are a brand ambassador for our Fraternity. It is your responsibility to protect the brand identity of our Fraternity by following the guidelines that are set in the style guide.
Click here to access the 2016 Style Guide
The General Fraternity encourages you to familiarize yourself with the style guide and adhere to the specific guidelines that are set in this interactive document. The style guide includes Lambda Chi Alpha’s official fonts, colors, social media guidelines, logos and images, and a glossary of the correct spelling of Lambda Chi Alpha-related terms.
A strong brand identity leads to messaging that will be more receptive for recruitment, alumni engagement, philanthropies, and other endeavors that your chapter might be pursuing.
If you have any questions about the style guide or brand identity or would like branded digital material, please email communications@lambdachi.org.
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