Lambda Chi Alpha Welcomes New Chapter Conduct Coordinator
Lambda Chi Alpha International Headquarters is pleased to welcome Mickey Simmons as the new Chapter Conduct Coordinator (CCC).
Originally from Jacksonville, Florida, Simmons started her journey in higher education while attending Florida State University. She is affiliated with Alpha Phi and served as the Vice President of Risk Management during her undergraduate career. She worked heavily with student conduct in the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities before graduating in May 2015. Simmons then began pursing her Master’s degree in Counselor Education at Clemson University, while working as the Graduate Assistant for the Interfraternity Council.
As CCC for Lambda Chi, Simmons will focus on the coordination, management, and education of chapter compliance. The position also promotes the undergraduate experience in accordance with the Lambda Chi Alpha educational model and CORE values. Simmons will work in the Harm Reduction department, directly reporting to Associate Director of Harm Reduction, Alyssa Bennett.
Simmons will also play an important role to the organization by helping keep Lambda Chi’s individual members, Zetas, and their guests safe. She will have a direct emphasis on prevention and education.
“I am excited to have Mickey join the team at International Headquarters,” said Alyssa Bennett. “Her skill set in working with IFC communities, coupled with her passion for education and prevention made Mickey the most attractive candidate for this position.”
Simmons will begin June 1.
“Mickey will be a great fit to work with our staff, undergraduate members, and alumni,” said Bennett.