
Georgetown Chapter Award Sweep


Georgetown Chapter Award Sweep

After tragedy occurred last year, the Lambda Chi chapter at Georgetown College in Kentucky was forced to understand the true meaning of brotherhood as they pushed through the loss of a fellow classmate and friend.

High Pi Alan Reddit speaks highly of the chapter members.

“Our guys responded with great maturity, you could see our values at work with them and the way they banded together,” said Reddit.

Their dedication and determination proved to make an impact on the campus when the chapter won almost every award presented at this year’s annual Fraternity and Sorority Life Awards. Among the awards was highest GPA, Fraternity Man of the Year, Membership Development, Alumni Relations, and more.

Reddit was awarded the Chapter Advisor Award for his hard work and dedication to being a resource for the fraternity. Reddit became High Pi a few years ago after his involvement as a pastor in a local church brought him closer to some of the young men in the fraternity.

He served in various positions as a Lambda Chi when he attended Georgetown and had a long-standing connection with the fraternity through family involvement.

Reddit continues to be involved with his chapter whether it be volunteering at a dunk tank or just listening to brothers.

Reddit believes it is crucial for the men to have someone who will listen. This provides members with the opportunity to see a perspective from someone who has been through some of the same experiences. Reddit remembers what his own High Pi used to say when he was in the chapter.

“There’s a high road and there’s a low road in just about every decision and I just always encourage you to take the high road,” said Reddit.  “There’s not a guy that was an active when I was that hasn’t carried that very simple moral instruction with us throughout life.”

The impact of an advisor is clear within the brotherhood, as Reddit has played a big role in the steady progression of this chapter. He highlights that much of the success comes from the members being able to have fun with their brothers, while also embracing each other’s differences.

Reddit concludes with his appreciation for the fraternity and the significant importance of Greek Life to young men and women.

“I appreciate what IHQ does to advocate not just for the individual chapters but for Greek life in general and across the country and across North America,” stated Reddit.  “I continue to benefit from my experiences as a Greek and as a Lambda Chi, really on a daily basis that I appreciate so much.”

“Whether it’s the Director of Chapter Operations coming to town after a tragedy or the encouragement of a leadership consultant or an interview like this where you’re trying to hold up something that seems to be going well; it’s just so important to allow for Greek life to continue for the development of young men and women.”