
Student Advisory Committee Q&A: Chance Majewski


Student Advisory Committee Q&A: Chance Majewski

We recently had the opportunity to catch up with Grand High Nu and Student Advisory Committee (SAC) member, Chance Majewski. As a senior at the University of Montevallo, Majewski is looking to leave his mark on Lambda Chi Alpha.

Taylor Grayson (TG): How did you become involved in Lambda Chi Alpha?

Chance Majewski (CM): I joined Lambda Chi initially because when I moved onto campus, our fraternity had a wing of my freshman dorm reserved. There was an empty room in the hall, so I moved into that hall and met some of the brothers there. They talked to me about Greek life and the kind of stuff they did. I went through recruitment and joined before I even knew what was happening! I’ve enjoyed it ever since.

TG: So, what prompted you to apply for SAC?

CM: I have held a couple of different offices in my own chapter. I was first elected High Sigma during my freshman year, and I held that first semester, and I was appointed to serve as High Phi after that. I was then elected as High Alpha for two years. Especially serving as High Alpha, seeing how the general chapter operated as a whole, it taught me a lot about how Lambda Chi operates, even on an international level. So, I thought I would be in a good position to bring something to the Student Advisory Committee, as far as representing the interests of undergrads. I know the way my chapter operates, so I wanted to bring that perspective to the Student Advisory Committee.

TG: Is there anything specific you hope to bring to your time on SAC?

CM: I think since I’ve come onto SAC and had discussions with the guys there, my biggest goals for SAC this year are to communicate to the rest of the undergraduate chapters what SAC does and assure them that they are represented. SAC is kind of a year-round representation for the undergraduate body, and it’s not something that only happens every two years at General Assembly. I also wanted to really encourage other people to get involved with SAC. I want to make SAC more efficient and get a lot more people interested to understand what we do.

TG: How do you think that the positions that you have held and being on SAC will help you in your professional life?

CM: I’ve definitely learned critical thinking and problem solving, and those are skills that can really be applied anywhere. Being in a demanding position where you have to solve problems as they arise and work with a lot of other people, leading them to accomplish one specific goal, has been really invaluable to me. Before Lambda Chi, I had never really held any leadership positions in high school, so it’s been a really good opportunity for me to get my hands dirty.

TG: What are your plans for after you graduate?

CM: First of all, I’m going to stay in the general area around my college, because our centennial coming up, and I’m really attached to our traditions that we put on here. After that, I’m going to apply for the Peace Corps and serve two years with them. My end goal for the past couple of years has been to get into foreign service with the Department of State and come out a foreign service officer. I know that they use the Peace Corps as a big recruiting tool for that, so it is the best thing I can do to prepare myself to go in that direction.

TG: Tell me more about your decision to join the Peace Corps?

CM: Since high school, I’ve done a really good job of picking up languages and was able to advance through my foreign services classes, so I think that’s what initially sparked that kind of interest. When I started looking more into foreign services and applying that into a career, I thought that the Peace Corps would be a way to accomplish something big straight out of college with just my bachelor’s degree.

TG: What would you say that Lambda Chi means to you?

CM: Lambda Chi Alpha is really important to me because it’s the first non-religious organization that I’ve been a part of that puts a heavy emphasis on values. Of course we are founded on Christian ideals, but because we accept brothers of any or no religion, we make that system of accountability and striving toward certain ideals available to any man.

TG: What advice would you give brothers who might be considering applying for SAC?

CM: Take it seriously but don’t think you can’t manage it. You have to consider that you’re working for all of our Zetas rather than just your own chapter or colony, so it’s vital to do a good job, but at the same time, the SAC isn’t a full time job. A role on the SAC isn’t that much more demanding than the average High Zeta office, so I think that any determined brother can do a good job with it.

To find out more about SAC, click here.

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