
A Message to All Brothers: Your Individual Actions Reflect on the General Fraternity


A Message to All Brothers: Your Individual Actions Reflect on the General Fraternity

It is easy to forget that fraternity goes beyond your chapter or the other chapters on your college campus. But it is important to remember that Lambda Chi Alpha is an international organization with more than 100 active chapters across the United States and Canada, and what you do in your little bubble affects every single person who has ever called themselves a brother.

This thought alone should urge you to think about all of the possible consequences your actions might have on the General Fraternity. Your actions are a direct reflection of this organization as a whole.

That is why we have a brand. But when you think brand, what comes to mind? A logo, right?

A brand is so much more than what colors and fonts to use on a T-shirt. It defines Lambda Chi Alpha and all that we stand for, as do all brothers and associate members who wear our letters.

You are free to do whatever you want in the privacy of your own home. But the second you step foot outside that door, you represent this fraternity and its values.

It might sound like common sense to a lot of you, but if people can see you, they can document your actions. Even if you’re under the impression that everyone in the room is a friend, you have no control over what they post to social media. And once it’s out there — on any platform — there is no going back.

Snapchat is the platform that has the most misconceptions as far as the life of a Snap. Many people believe the picture they send to someone over Snapchat only lives for the 10 seconds it is visible to the other person. This is not true. Everything that is sent on Snapchat is stored in a media library and can be accessed at any point in the future. Not to mention anyone you send it to can take a screenshot.

So what’s the moral of the story here?

It is imperative for all chapters to be aware of how they will be viewed on social media, knowing that they are also representing the General Fraternity. All actions have consequences, and we urge our members to keep that in mind.

As Lambda Chi Alpha men, it is our duty to uphold our Core Values, which means respecting others and celebrating diversity.

More than ever, it is time to start viewing ourselves as “we” and not “I.”

For more detailed information about the importance of a brand and specific social media guidelines, please refer to our newly updated Style Guide, which can be found here.

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