Arizona State University Brother Pursues Music Career
We had the opportunity to contact Alumni Brother, Kyan Palmer, from Arizona State University, and our own Chase Johnston was able to ask a few questions pertaining to his recently viral song “Burn Mona Lisa”. In addition, Palmer provided us with insight on some upcoming music:
CJ: When did you first start creating music?
KP: I first started creating music with the song “Burn Mona Lisa”. That’s technically the first creative project I ever did music related. It was during my senior year for my honors thesis project before graduating from college.
CJ: What websites did you release the song on first?
KP: It came out on Spotify, Soundcloud and Apple Music all at the same time and was mostly popular on Spotify.
CJ: How has your chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha helped you in your music career?
KP: I don’t think that the song would have gotten anywhere nearly as big as it got without them. They have shared it everywhere and told everyone about it and helped push it to the level that it became. It went on the viral charts on Spotify because of them.
CJ: What was your inspiration for “Burn Mona Lisa”?
KP: It was kind of a time in my life that I just kind of wasn’t in the place I wanted to be and it was a multitude of different things that happened that drove me to write the song, and that’s why it’s a little obscure about a few things.
CJ: What are some of the strong lyrics that you think hit the best in the song?
KP: I think the lyric I’ve been told that people resonate with the most and my favorite too is not actually the chorus, not the “burn Mona Lisa” but it’s in the bridge and it goes, “And underneath those brush strokes, without that mask that you put on, oh you’re such a joke”. It’s kind of a summation and kind of how I got through what was going on in my life.
CJ: Are you working on anything else?
KP: I’ve been in Los Angeles for a little bit now and just got here from New York and have been recording and writing a lot of music so I have a lot of stuff that will be coming out and I have a new single that will be coming out very soon. So really after this month it will be song after song for a while.
CJ: Is there anything else you’d like to add?
KP: I guess I can just say music-wise that I definitely have more coming and I appreciate the support of Lambda Chi. My chapter definitely helped me out a lot and I’m sure they’ll help me out a lot when the new single comes out. The guys that are coming in as associate members are also helping push the songs and will Facebook message me and reach out to me so it’s pretty cool that the people I haven’t technically met are still like brothers to me.
Palmer is working on his next single, which is a bit different, but still the same realm. Stay tuned for more updates.
To follow along with him on social media click the links below: