The following are the submissions received from December 2018 to January 2019.
To submit Chapter News and Omegas, please email Undergraduate officers can also report updates on their chapter by logging on to LCAOne/Officer Portal and accessing the “Submit Chapter News” form. If you cannot find news from your chapter, then no information has been submitted for this month.
Alabama (Alpha-Phi)
Andrew D’Entremont earned an Order of Omega undergraduate scholarships.
Angelo State
Jerry F. Barnard (1972) died Jan. 18, 2019. Barnard started the second and fourth Friday lunch meetings for local alumni brothers in San Angelo, Texas. For over 17 years, he was a proud coach to all his soccer girls. He taught more than the game itself. He led by example and taught them integrity, respect, hard work, fairness, generosity, self-love, and what it really means to take care of others. All were welcome and no one left with an empty belly, even if it meant a trip to Furr’s Fine Family Dining.
Appalachian State (Colony)
Alumnus J. Bradley Wilson was elected Chairman of the Board for Fit4D Inc, a leading technology-enabled diabetes management company based in New York City. He joined Blue Cross North Carolina in 1995, held a range of senior-level positions before being asked to lead the organization as CEO in 2010.
Arizona State (Zeta-Psi)
Undergraduate chapter members moved into a new house in the Greek Village before the start of the fall semester. From Nov. 1-3, 2018, alumni who graduated in or before 1976 attended homecoming weekend activities. In all, more than 100 people attended at least event. On Nov. 3, the chapter hosted an Open House for the alumni that was organized by Chapter Advisor Jarred Stetser. For the event, chapter brothers grilled the burgers, brats and hot dogs prior to the football game. Bob Linthacum was the lowest zeta chapter number to attend the reunion and John Bacc traveled the farthest to attend.
Arkansas State (Iota-Theta)
Robert E. Means (1969) died Dec. 9, 2018.
Auburn (Omega)
Blaine Russell received the IFC Man of the Year Award. He served as the IFC vice president of risk management for this past year and has served the chapter as both fraternity educator and chapter president. In 2017, he was named president of the year by the IFC.
Maj. William H. Parker, USAF Ret. (1952) died Jan. 11, 2019. After college he took his commission with the USAF and served proudly for 25 years, first as a pilot with the 514th fighter squadron and later as a civil engineer. His duty stations included Samsun Turkey, Chicksands RAFB England and Ubon RTAFB Thailand. After his military service his career as an engineer spanned both The Southern Company where he worked 20 years and The Birmingham Airport Authority
Baldwin Wallace (Kappa-Phi)
The chapter held brotherhood events that included a trip to play racquetball at the rec center, a snow ball fight, many movie nights in the chapter room, and ice skating. Chapter brothers also volunteered at the Greater Cleveland Food Bank and Campus Kitchens, putting in their time to help fight food insecurity in the community. Their efforts provided nearly 4,000 meals through the chapter’s partnership with Dining Services.
Jeffrey A. Lewis (1965) died Nov. 28, 2019. An Eagle Scout, he taught at Garfield Heights High School where he was named head wrestling coach at the age of 22 and his team won the prestigious Brecksville Holiday Tournament and tw District Championships. In 1970 he became the first wrestling coach at Cuyahoga Community College Metro and guided them to an 8th place finish at the Junior College Nationals with one All-American. In 1971 he left teaching and became a full time insurance agent winning numerous awards and trips. In 1976 he founded the J.A. Lewis Insurance Agency in Westerville, Ohio and remained the principal until his retirement in October of 2017.
Buffalo (Colony)
Colony brothers volunteered to paint the kitchen of a local shelter for displaced and homeless youth. In November, the colony held an Initiation Ritual Exemplification for nine associate members and one associate member from the Beta-Delta chapter at Edinboro University. Colony members participated in numerous events such as the university Community Day and their food collection. The colony’s chartering is scheduled for April.
Butler (Alpha-Alpha)
Capt. Robert E. Sandlin (1966) died Dec. 27, 2018. He entered the US Army in 1966 and served as a captain in the 11th and 14th armored cavalry, serving in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Germany with the Blackhorse regiment. Following his military service, he joined Amoco Oil as an executive in the Midwest region and was an exemplary employee for thirty-one years and retired in 1997.
California – San Diego (Pi-Beta)
The chapter held its annual Watermelon Bust charity fundraiser.
Alumnus Odeh Saba is employed by Viasat Inc.
California – Los Angeles
Connor Wilson (2019) was awarded All-American and Scholastic All-American status in the Olympic Sport of Taekwondo. He won his 7th national championship this summer, is a 3-time collegiate champion and the No. 1 ranked welterweight in the U.S. He has travelled the world representing USA
Cal State – Northridge (Beta-Rho)
Associate members recruited during the fall 2018 semester.
Cincinnati (Gamma-Gamma)
Scott M. Spangler (1961) died Jan. 17, 2019. A former chapter president, he went on to earn his MBA from Harvard Business School in 1963. Following his graduation from Harvard Business School, he served as an MIT/Ford Foundation Fellow in the newly independent states of Ghana and Uganda, where he worked on fiscal and economic policy issues. Upon his return to the United States, he held executive positions at Cooper Industries and the White Motor Corporation in Ohio. He then held a number of executive leadership positions for companies in Houston and Amarillo until 1978, when he was asked to lead AZL Resources in Phoenix. When AZL was sold in 1984, he founded the venture capital company First Phoenix Capital. In 1990, he accepted a position in the administration of President George H.W. Bush, serving as associate administrator and later acting administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development. Following his service in government, he served as chairman of Chemonics International, a Washington-based consulting firm that provides technical assistance to developing countries.
Colby (Alpha-Rho)
Carl W. Siegel (1956) died Dec. 16, 2018.
Colgate (Alpha-Zeta)
Walter Scheer (1950) died Nov. 27, 2018. He served in the US Navy from 1944 to 1945. After completing training at Great Lakes Naval Station, he was assigned as a radio operator for the maiden voyage of the Shenandoah-class destroyer tender USS Yellowstone (AD-27) in 1945. After graduating from Colgate, he earned a master’s degrees in mathematics and physical education in 1951. Scheer began his career in education in Johnson City, New York, teaching mathematics. He then went on to become a teacher, guidance counselor, director of pupil personnel, assistant principle and administrator at Boonville Central School/Adirondack Central School in Boonville, New York, from 1954 to 1989.
Connecticut (Zeta-Lambda)
Charles R. Kershaw (1968) died Nov. 26, 2018. He was employed for many years as a manager at the former Haverhill Paperboard/ Continental Can and later at Recycled Paperboard in Clifton, NJ, from 1990 until his retirement in 1999.
George Buckner (1955) died Dec. 24, 2018. He worked as the manager of Coopers’ Greenhouse, then later in sales for Vaughan-Jacklin Seed Co. before retiring.
Delaware (Lambda-Beta)
During the month of December, the chapter elected new officers. Chapter members attended the UDance B+ Hero Holiday Party to spend time with families and Heroes of the B+ Foundation, the largest provider of support for families battling childhood cancer in the country.
DePauw (Xi)
Ronald Kolb (1953) died Nov. 30, 2018. He served in the U.S. Coast Guard during the Korean War. He was employed at, and retired from, Warner and Swasey Co., where he was in sales and training.
Denison (Gamma-Iota)
Charles M. Isaacs (1976) died Sept. 23, 2017. He graduated from Northern Kentucky University – Chase College of Law in 1979. A brilliant litigator who graduated near the top of his law school class as class president, he eschewed more lucrative positions in order to practice public interest law and eventually became the Head of Post-Convictions for the Public Defender’s Office in Frankfort, Kentucky. His career took him from Lexington to Cincinnati, Ohio where he worked for the Northern Kentucky Children’s Law Center as a child advocate; to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania where he worked in New York City as a Senior Claims Counsel handling bad faith claims and commercial claims litigation for American International Group; and eventually to Beijing, China where he served as president of a company he helped establish to acquire former state-owned insurance companies. In 2014 he moved back to Ohio to accept the position of manager of Commercial Claims Litigation at Grange Insurance in Columbus.
Donald R. Sutherland died June 25, 2018. A US Army veteran, he was a retired executive from the Employment and Training Administration at the US Department of Labor.
James Brucklacher (1945) died April 27, 2018.
James R. Arnold (1956) died Nov. 4, 2018.
John M. Neale (1957) died Sept. 23, 2017. Their son, Jeffrey Allis Neale, arrived in 1971, and all three moved to Maryland in 1975 where Jay became a vice-president in the Employee Benefits Department of the Union Trust Bank in Baltimore. Jay’s loves included his family, sailing, skiing, music, and railroads. For seventeen years, after he retired, Jay worked as a sailing instructor at the Annapolis Sailing School and then – his passion for sailing being second only to his love of all things railroad – he became a docent at the B & O Railroad Museum.
Lee Wilbraham (1958) died.
Louis Gaker (1973) died Jan. 27, 2018. He earned a master’s degree in International Management from Thunderbird Univ, and an MBA from Southern Methodist University. He worked for the Northrop Corp. in Iran where he supervised construction of an airport. Later he worked for BFI in management and traveled throughout South America. Later he relocated to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with BFI. Gaker later settled in Atlanta, where he worked for Republic Services until he returned to Cincinnati.
Mitchell L. Zachary (1962) died Jan. 4, 2018. After he fulfilled his military service, he received an MBA from University of Missouri in 1967. He was a financial analyst and stockbroker until he retired in 2010.
Richard Sievert (1944) died Oct. 10, 2017.
Thomas E. Williams (1952) died.
Denver (Alpha-Pi)
Andrew E. Zinn (1986) died.
Drexel (Epsilon-Kappa)
John W. Stout died Nov. 11, 2018.
Embry-Riddle (Sigma-Phi)
The chapter held recruitment events, including bubble soccer, and added 14 associate members. On Feb. 4 the chapter held a livestream with the Lambda Chi Guy to introduce the new associate members. In December 2018, three members graduated: Ian Kelly, Tyler Farnese, and David Marino. We also welcomed 14 new brothers into our chapter.
Florida Southern (Epsilon-Xi)
Warren K. Copeland (1991) died December 15, 2018.
Florida State (Zeta-Rho)
Alumnus Bill Tuttle is featured in the Florida State University alumni magazine. He is a Miami attorney who is an ardent defender and supporter of the iconic settlement in Biscayne Bay known as Stiltsville.
Franklin (Kappa-Gamma)
Lloyd Spencer (1957) died Jan. 15, 2019. For two years, he was a corporal in the U.S. Army at Fort Leonard Wood Missouri. He proudly served as a company clerk and skip chaser. After he finished college, he moved to Columbus where he began a career with WCSI radio as a DJ.
Georgia (Nu)
David K. Hollis, Jr. (1958) died March 8, 2018. At the age of 22, he became Mayor of the City of Hahira and at the time of his election, he was the youngest mayor in the United States. In a few more years, upon the death of his father, he became President of Citizens Bank and had to leave his political career behind to focus on the bank. In his 60 plus year career, he has grown the bank from one to four branches, changed the banks name to Citizens Community Bank to reflect the business involvement in the community, and grew the banks asset size from $1.4 million to currently over $140 million. He died still serving the bank as Chairman of the Board for Citizens Community Bank and also, the bank holding company, CCB Bancshares, Inc.
Georgia Tech (Beta-Kappa)
Cary H. Rutland (1965) died Dec. 15, 2018. He served on the Army for two years following graduation. He next joined NASA as one of its original engineers and worked there for 48 years. During his distinguished NASA, he worked on many critical projects including Hubble Space Telescope and became the deputy over the Solid Rocket Booster program immediately following the Challenger Shuttle accident.
Hanover (Theta-Zeta)
Roy W. Adams (1963) died.
Indiana State (Iota-Epsilon)
Chapter members partnered with Sigma Kappa sorority to host Bark the Halls. This event included making 50 new toys for the animals of the Vigo County Humane Society.
Kansas (Zeta-Iota)
Recruitment Chairman Chay Conway attended the joint High Alpha Summit and Neville Advisor’s College held in Indianapolis. The chapter added six associate members during the fall semester.
Kansas State (Gamma-Xi)
Tyler Bechtel (2019) died 2018.
Roger A. Lawson (1952) died.
Louisiana – Lafayette (Iota-Omega)
Lawrence Tedesco (1969) died Dec. 31, 2018. He spent years as a very successful medical salesman and won numerous accolades and awards.
Miami-OH (Zeta-Upsilon)
Dave Anderson died May 11, 2015. In 1986, Dave joined the family business as part of the third generation along with his brother Craig. The partnership owns and operate a manufacturers’ representative firm selling high tech electronic components to OEM accounts in the states of Illinois and Wisconsin. As a team, Dave and Craig developed an organization known for its premier performance and sterling reputation in the industry.
Douglass Cisch (1960) died September 5, 2018. He worked as a CPA and was a successful oil businessman with Oilcar.
Thomas “Ted” Darby (1957) died June 29, 2010. He graduated from the Navy Submarine School in Connecticut and served in Vietnam.
Thomas J. Evans (1958) died Feb. 2, 2012
John G. Gold (1956) died Oct. 22, 2011. He served in the US Air Force, retiring after 30 years of service with Republic Storage.
Brian Kelley (1983) died April 25, 2007.
Roland G. Ingram (1956) died Jan. 19, 2003. He was an Army veteran.
Kevin B. Paxson (1978) died Nov. 7, 2015. He was a petroleum geologist for 31 years in Louisiana and Texas.
Mark E. Pusey (1984) died February 2012. He was a vice president and general counsel for Valmark Securities.
Dale Marchert (1956) died May 17, 2003. He served in the USAF for 14 yrs as a captain. He later moved to Ohio and worked at the Federal Reserve Bank and the Ford Motor Co.
Charles H. Stephens (1956) died June 7, 2016. He was a US Navy veteran who owned and managed his own insurance company.
David E. Wilson (1956) died Feb. 5, 2018. He served in the US Navy.
David M. Wilson (1989) died.
Millsaps (Theta-Eta)

During the fall semester, chapter members held a series of events at home football games in support of the College’s Mary Ann Sells- Sam Barefield “Safe Space” Endowment. The Sells-Barefield Endowment is unique in Mississippi higher education; it is the first such college-university endowment to support LGBTQ+ students and their allies. Rev. Barefield and Mrs. Sells-Barefield, both Millsaps alumni, bequeathed funds to begin the endowment. By the close of the fall semester, Lambda Chi Alpha presented $550.00 in net proceeds for the endowment. As American higher education attempts to develop campuses in which an increasingly diverse population of students seek welcome, the Sells-Barefield Endowment yields a dividend that supports workshops, programs, films, lectures, and messages that positively impact all students.
Missouri – Columbia (Gamma-Kappa)
Charles C. Isely, III (1953) died Jan. 1, 2018. During his five years of full time military service, he moved to and from posts in Oklahoma, Texas and Missouri, and spent three years in Worms, Germany. He then began his own career with the Chamber of Commerce in a small southern Illinois town. He spent most of his life in Illinois; moving his family to ever larger communities to serve other Chambers of Commerce, ending with almost 40 years in Waukegan. As a member of the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, he earned the organization’s coveted Certified Chamber Executive certification.
Montevallo (Sigma-Epsilon)
The chapter placed first in grades for the second consecutive semester.
Nebraska-Omaha (Iota-Delta)
The chapter held officer elections, a winter formal, and received a visit from our ELC Avery Baker.
Nevada – Reno (Colony)
Chapter members Francis Militante and Daniel Armenta spent a week in Haiti over the winter break helping children with special needs. In addition, the Grand High Zeta approved the colony’s petition to charter. The chartering banquet will be held on March 30.
Ervin L. Billman (1952) died Dec. 14, 2017.
Franklin G. Zilkey died Jan. 8, 2019. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation remained his employer from internship through senior engineer over the span of almost 35 years. During this time, he served on water conservation projects in Nevada, California, Washington, Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado.
New Hampshire (Alpha-Xi)
Steve Chernard (1992) died Dec. 30, 2018. He started his career in sales with N.H. Distributors and then joined his father’s company, Granite State Plating where they started an Industrial painting business together. When Roland retired Steve created his own company, Surface Technology. He ran a successful small business for 20 years.
New Mexico State (Zeta-Gamma)
Scott N. Sealy (2011) died Jan. 14, 2019.
New York (Theta-Upsilon)
Jacob Abbott graduated with a major in computer science and minors in cybersecurity and philosophy and is now employed by RBC in New York City.
North Carolina – Chapel Hill (Gamma-Nu)
John W. Burwell (1952) died Dec. 9, 2018. He received a Master’s Degree in retailing from New York University. He served in the U.S. Army in Korea where was awarded a Korean Service Medal with One Bronze Star, a United Nations Service Medal, a National Defense Service Medal, ROK Presidential Unit Citation and a Good Conduct Medal. He was a senior vice president at Wachovia Bank, and when he retired in 1990, he was the manager of the North Carolina Personal Trust Department.
North Carolina State (Gamma-Upsilon)
John R. Duffett (1952) died Dec. 1, 2018. John enlisted in the Navy where he graduated from the Supply Corps School in Athens, Georgia and attained the rank of LTJG and served as a Supply Officer. John joined E.I DuPont in one of several jobs in a career that spanned nearly thirty years across Kentucky, Tennessee, Connecticut, and Georgia. At DuPont, he was a pioneer in the field of textiles and was one of the initial process developers of the indestructible product named Corfam. After retirement from E.I. DuPont in the 1980’s, John took on a job with the University of Georgia that he retired from nearly twenty years later.
Zane R. Brisson (1990) died Dec. 14, 2018. He was employed with BB&T for more than 20 years.
North Dakota (Epsilon-Zeta)
The Lambda Chi Alpha Epsilon Zeta chapter in Grand Forks, North Dakota held its Officer Installation for 2019 on January 20th. Before the actual installation the chapter enjoyed some wonderful appetizers prepared by our High Pi Randy Ritterman while watching some playoff football. The actual installation went great as well and all our officers are looking forward to improving our house even further. We can not wait to see what 2019 has in store for us!
Ohio State (Gamma-Tau)
Carey Justice (1957) died January 8, 2019.
Oklahoma (Gamma-Rho)
William J. Leeper Sr. (1956) died Dec. 27, 2018. Following college, he was commissioned as an officer in the Air Force and spent eight years flying six different aircraft on five different bases. He was hired in 1966 by Continental Airlines to fly the DC-9 from Denver. Following a 28-year airline career, he retired at age 60. He had served as a management pilot for half of those years including six years as the chief pilot of Continental’s Los Angeles base.
J. Gregory Camp (1983) died Sept. 17, 2018. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma Law, after which he practiced law in Enid and Santa Fe. He loved riding his BMW bike. He was part of the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America Club. Some of his accomplishments included riding in all 48 lower states in just nine days, coast to coast in 33 hours, and throughout Germany, Hungary, and Eastern Europe just to name a few. Throughout his journeys, he loved to capture the moment using his photography skills.
Perry L. Blevins (1988) died Jan. 2, 2019.
Ronald G. Maples (1957) died Jan. 8, 2019. He was commissioned in the U.S. Army in 1957, and completed reserve obligation with rank of captain. He worked as a geologist with Phillips Petroleum.
Oklahoma City (Theta-Delta)
Alumnus brother Herman Meinders donated money for a new front porch.
Oklahoma State (Alpha-Eta)
William May (1965) died.
Oregon State (Alpha-Lambda)
Jonathan Strong (1967) died Dec. 8, 2018. He began his career at the Albany Police Department working there as a patrolman from 1968-1973. He then transitioned to the Linn County Sheriff’s Office, first as a Deputy, then moving up the ranks to detective and retiring in 1996. His true life’s joy was his work with the Freemasons. He joined the Masonic Order in 1979, and among his many titles, he served as Worshipful Master of Brownsville Lodge #36, St. John’s Lodge #17 in Albany, and East Linn Lodge #44 in Lebanon. He was also a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason and served for many years as Chairman of Salem Valley Scottish Rite, and was a member of Al Kader Shrine.
Pennsylvania State (Zeta)
Donald L. Smith (1960) died July 12, 2018.
Pittsburgh (Gamma-Epsilon)
Melvin N. Vesely (1951) died Nov. 23, 2012.
Purdue (Psi)
James L. Crouse (1954) died June 11, 2017.
Rensselaer Polytechnic (Epsilon-Eta)
On Jan. 19, the chapter held an Initiation Ritual Exemplification for associate members: Ryan Bartone (1426), Josh Bernardo (1427), Garret Cahill (1428), Jeffrey Chai (1429), Tim Cielsak (1430), Ethan Deecher (1431), Peter Dustin (1432), Jason Falvo (1433), Palmer Feinberg (1434), Keegan Fitzgerald (1435), Grady Habicht (1436), Andrew Howard (1437), Jonah Mudse (1438), Andrew Roth (1439), Adithya Srikanthan (1440), Matthew Wang (1441).
Rhode Island (Eta)
Richard G. Lemay (1970) died Nov. 29, 2019.
Richmond (Alpha-Chi)
On Jan. 18, the chapter hosted its annual Alumni-Recruitment Banquet. More than 25 alumni were in attendance. The chapter added 19 associate members. Speakers at the event included Gregory Castanias, Joe Palminteri, Tripp Perrin, and Larry Matthews.
Sam Houston State (Sigma-Mu)
Charles W. “ Chuck” Jones, III (1981) was selected as the Dahlonega-Lumpkin County Chamber-Visitor Bureau 2018 Volunteer of the Year and as the 2018 Government Affairs Committee Volunteer of the Year. He was elected to the 2019 Chamber Board of Directors. He was selected as chairman, Vehicle Finance Board of The American Financial Services Association, elected to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. He elected as chairman, Board of Trustees for Dahlonega United Methodist Church. He served on the Auto Finance Committee for the Consumer Bankers Association. He also has established the Chuck & Debbie Jones Community Scholarship at the University of North Georgia
South Carolina – Spartanburg (Delta-Iota)
Dwane Church (1983) died Nov. 25, 2018.
South Dakota Mines (Pi-Mu)
On Jan. 18, the chapter conducted and Associate Member Ceremony for four new members. On Jan. 19, the chapter held an officer retreat. On Jan. 21, chapter members, along with other Greek organizations, collected food for Feeding South Dakota. On, Jan. 30, the chapter held a Big Brother/Little Brother Ceremony.
South Dakota State (Lambda-Theta)
Chapter Vice President Evan Ekstrum and Chapter Advisor John Halbkat joint 2019 High Alpha Summit and Neville Advisor’s College in Indianapolis. Chapter brothers held Brosgiving Pot Luck for Thanksgiving.
Southern Indiana (Phi-Xi)
For the fall 2018 semester, the chapter earned the highest GPA for fraternities on campus. The chapter also averaged
16 community service hours per brother and a total of 433 community service hours as a brotherhood for the fall semester. The chapter raised more than $1,000 for multiple charities.
St. Mary’s (Sigma-Beta)
Last semester, the chapter held its annual Shave to Save philanthropy event, raising more than $3,500 and cancer awareness and research through the American Cancer Society. The chapter will be celebrating its 50th anniversary fall.
Syracuse (Alpha-Upsilon)
Robert D. Angelo, MD (1954) died Dec. 12, 2018. He was a member of the class of 1959 of Boston University School of Medicine. He completed his internship at Massachusetts Memorial Hospital. After serving honorably as a captain in the US Air Force, he completed a residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Hahnemann University Hospital in Philadelphia. He practiced obstetrics and gynecology for many years in Mount Kisco, New York.
Tampa (Pi-Omega)
The chapter offered bids to 10 potential new members.
Tennessee – Chattanooga (Zeta-Phi)
Dr. Marion B. Ridley (1978) died July 1, 2018. He earned his medical degree from University of Tennessee Health Science Center where he also completed his surgery residency. In 1984, he was accepted into the Johns Hopkins ENT residency program in Baltimore. After his ENT residency he completed a Facial Plastics fellowship at University of Michigan. In 1989, he began his career at USF in Tampa where he became a professor of otolaryngology and the chief of ENT at the James Haley VA.
Texas State (Lambda-Phi)
David K. Moline (1984) died Dec. 22, 2018. He followed his father’s passion by becoming a pilot. He flew for families and corporations domestically and internationally. He was also a flight instructor. He was involved in managing ranch and oil and gas properties.
Tulsa (Epsilon-Upsilon)
The chapter held spring recruitment and offered 12 bids to potential new members. Chapter members volunteered at the local food bank for service.
Valparaiso (Iota-Sigma)
The chapter performed the Associate Member Ceremony for seven new members: Chad Dykman, Cody Packer, Cameron Bobos, Casey Hill, Christian Licea, David Sanders, and Jake Diamond. Terry Wade and Max Grover presented research at the American Meteorological Society Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. Chapter members partnered with the sisters of Kappa Kappa Gamma to make cards for children at our local hospital.
Richard W. Lee (1960) died 2018. After graduation, he entered the University of Chicago Divinity School on a Rockefeller Fellowship, which also funded an internship year at Princeton University, and was awarded the Bachelor of Divinity degree in 1964. He earned the Doctor of Religion degree in 1968 from the School of Theology at Claremont (California), where he studied at the Claremont Colleges Counseling Center and the College Student Personnel Institute. During a post-doctoral year of study at the Pacific Film Archive at the University of California, Berkeley, he pursued his interest in religion and film. Much of his writing focused on theatre, film, and television criticism from a religious perspective. Lee joined the Valparaiso University staff as an admissions counselor in 1964.
Villanova (Beta-Iota)
Anthony Passela was elected IFC president. Outgoing IFC Vice President Saurabh Verma was elected chapter president. Chapter brothers volunteered on Martin Luther King Day, preparing hundreds of meals prepare for the homeless at a local community center.
West Texas A&M (Iota-Xi)
Jack R. Barnes (1978) died Dec. 28, 2019. He enlisted into the US Navy in 1971 and served until 1975. Following his discharge, he returned to West Texas A&M. After graduation he returned to the Navy and eventually retired from the US Navy as a chief petty Officer in 1995. A very special highlight of his Navy career was his selection as National Recruiter of the Year while stationed in Amarillo, Texas. After retirement, Jack continued serving as a high school math teacher at Tascosa High School in Amarillo, Texas, retiring in 2009.
Western Kentucky (Lambda-Lambda)
William L. Franklin (1962) died Dec. 6, 2018. After graduation, he did doctoral work at Vanderbilt University. He was a life-long educator, with 32 years in the Warren County Schools, 29 of which he served as principal at Warren Elementary School. Upon retirement, Bill served as interim principal at six different schools and spent the summers working at Jackson’s Orchard.
Wright State (Colony)
Colony members held two recruiting events, attended two IFC events, added letters to the Greek case, started an advertisement for rush on all TVs in the university, started a radio show to promote Greek life, and promoted lambda chi alpha on billboards around campus.
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