The following are the submissions received from June 2019.
To submit Chapter News and Omegas, please email Undergraduate officers can also report updates on their chapter by logging on to LCAOne/Officer Portal and accessing the “Submit Chapter News” form. If you cannot find news from your chapter, then no information has been submitted for this month.
Akron (Gamma-Alpha)
Louis S. Fisi (1957) died June 16, 2019. A U.S. Army veteran, he began his business career as a women’s sportswear buyer at the M. O’Neil Company. From 1967 to 1976, he worked at Ernst & Young LLP, an accounting firm, and earned his CPA in 1968. He moved to the Smither’s Co. in 1976 and worked in an executive and financial capacity until 1985. His passion for business and love of entrepreneurship led him to become the chief financial officer of Advanced Lighting Technologies and its predecessor companies from 1983 to 1999. From 1999 to 2019, he worked alongside Dr. Gerald Mearini to develop and market cutting-edge technology in the communications and the aerospace fields at Teraphysics Corporation, where Lou served as CEO and CEO Emeritus.
Francis Martter (1958) died May 19, 2019. He started his career at McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis and then returned to Akron to continue in the burgeoning computer field and worked at Alside, Chrysler, Hewlett-Packard and Honeywell before starting his own systems analysis business, Professional Data Services.
Arkansas (Gamma-Chi)
Robert Bendure (Arkansas) is the newly appointed High Pi for Gamma-Chi Zeta. He resides in Fayetteville, Ark. and is president for a construction and environmental company. The Lambda Chi Alpha General Fraternity would like to thank former High Pi Richard George for his service to Gamma-Chi.
Kenneth D. Orlicek (1960) died May 26, 2019.
Arkansas State (Iota-Theta)
At the St. Jude Collegiate Leadership Seminar this week, A-State’s Up ’til Dawn chapter and Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity received the Side Event/Partnership of the Year Award for the Glow Run they hosted last September. The event raised $5,280 toward the 2018-19 Up ’til Dawn campaign at A-State. With a total of $100,068 raised during the year, A-State’s chapter ranked seventh in the nation among universities and colleges whose students participate in philanthropic support programs for the hospital. Katey Provence, assistant director of the Leadership Center, is adviser to the Up ’til Dawn chapter at A-State.
Marion D. Wood Jr. (1964) died June 10, 2019. He received a Regular Army Commission and served in combat with the 1st Squadron 17th Cavalry Squadron of the 82nd Airborne Division in the Dominican Republic where he had the distinction of escorting the first land evacuees from the U.S. Embassy. He then attended flight school and graduated as Honor Graduate of his flight school class. He was then assigned as a helicopter gunship pilot with the 1st of the 9th Air Cavalry Squadron of the First Cavalry Division in Vietnam, including service during the Tet Offensive of 1968. He also served as an aviation safety officer in the Army Reserves and a staff judge advocate in the Arkansas Army National Guard before retiring as a major in 1984; during his career he was awarded more than 14 decorations for valor and meritorious service, including the Purple Heart. He is also a life member of the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association and a life member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. He was a long-time resident of Sherwood, Ark., serving as state representative in the Arkansas General Assembly for 20 years, including service on the Legislative Council, Joint Budget Committee and as chairman of the Public Transportation Committee. He was engaged in the practice of law for 25 years.
Robert Williams (Theta-Mu) was reappointed High Pi for the Delta-Delta chapter at Spring Hill College.
Boston (Alpha)
Ben Lewis (Boston) was reappointed as High Pi for Alpha Zeta at Boston University.
Jeray Thelwell (Boston) is the newly-appointed High Pi for Eta Zeta at the University of Rhode Island. He resides in Providence, R.I. and is an automation and microfluidics field application development scientist. As an undergraduate member, he held the office of recruitment chairman.
California – Los Angeles (Epsilon-Sigma)
Robert J. Tyldesley (1950) died June 8, 2019. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1945-1946 aboard the USS West Virginia and the USS Indiana. His business career was spent in hotel management on both the East and West Coasts which followed his natural inclination to travel, be near the ocean and be connected with people, as his work took him to New York City, San Francisco and Santa Monica, Calif.
California Polytechnic (Phi-Sigma)
Steve Balaban (Cal Poly) is the newly-appointed High Pi for Phi-Sigma Zeta at California Polytechnic State University. He lives in San Luis Obispo, Calif. and is a civil engineer for the State of California. During his time as an undergraduate member, he served as the chapter’s ritualist.
The Lambda Chi Alpha General Fraternity would like to thank former High Pi Jeff Witous (Cal Poly) for his service to Phi-Sigma.
California State – Northridge (Beta-Rho)
Nick Cutelli (Southeast Missouri State) is the newly-appointed High Pi for Beta-Rho Zeta at California State University, Northridge. He lives in West Hollywood, Calif. and is an actor and writer. During his time as an undergraduate member, he served as the chapter’s executive-at-large.
Lambda Chi Alpha would like to thank former High Pi Kevin Mojaradi (Cal State-Northridge) for his services to the chapter.
Clemson (Delta-Omicron)
Brian Lindenmeyer (Clemson) is the newly-appointed High Pi for the Northern Arizona colony. He lives in Phoenix and is an entrepreneur in supply chain/industrial engineering. During his time as an undergraduate member, he was the recruitment chairman and risk management officer. He was also on the International Ritual Team and IFC vice president of recruitment.
The chapter’s alumni verses undergraduate softball game will be held at 1 p.m., Sunday, July 28, at Belmont Plateau Park in Philadelphia. If you are interested in participating, please email
Alumni member Bill Ryan is continuing his 6,000 mile ocean journey known as “America’s Great Loop.” The boat had been in winter storage in Brewerton, New York on the western edge of Lake Oneida and now it’s time to resume the trip. He and his wife’s first Phoenix, Oswego, and Clayton, New York, and then into Canada at Kingston, Ontario and up the Trent/Severn Canal to Georgian Bay. If you would like to follow along via social media, the boat is on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Look for @MVHearken. The webpage with all the trip information and links, as well as a synopsis of our 2018 travels, is at
Idaho (Epsilon-Gamma)

Kentucky (Epsilon-Phi)
Robert Bradford (1958) died June 6, 2019.
Loyola Marymount (Delta-Psi)
Benjamin Rothenberg (Loyola Marymount) was reappointed as High Pi for Delta-Psi Zeta.
Michigan (Sigma)
William F. Ruzicka (1944) died May 15, 2019. Immediately upon graduation, he enlisted in the US Navy, and was stationed at Banana River Naval Air Station, Florida, where he worked on the design of fighter planes. In his professional life, he initially pursued a career in aeronautical engineering, but later found his niche as a businessman specializing in corporate purchasing for various companies such as Argus Camera Company, Sylvania Corning Nuclear Corporation, General Electric Corporation (Jet Engine Division), Kelsey Hayes, Hoover Universal, and Johnson Controls, until his retirement in 2000.
Missouri – Columbia (Gamma-Kappa)
Jason Galloway (Southeast Missouri State) is the newly-appointed High Pi for Gamma-Kappa Zeta at the University of Missouri. He lives in Lake Saint Louis, Miss. and is a management consultant for a professional service firm. During his time as an undergraduate member, he served as chapter secretary and treasurer.
The Lambda Chi Alpha General Fraternity would like to thank former High Pi Matthew Van Ronzelen (Missouri – Columbia) for his service to the chapter.

Colin Frost (Syracuse) was reappointed as High Pi for Alpha-Xi Zeta.
David K. Joslin (1969) died May 30, 2019. He held various computer programing positions, with multiple companies, as well as spent time managing the family owned Turnpike Racquet Club in Plainville, MA which hosted the USTA Junior Girls 16 and 18 National Indoor Champions from 1974 into the 1980’s. In 1982 the Joslin family was awarded the New England Lawn Tennis Association family of the year award.
New Mexico State (Zeta-Gamma)
Nate Hooven (New Mexico State) was reappointed as High Pi for Zeta-Gamma Zeta.
New Orleans (Lambda-Alpha)
Matthew Sutherland (1971) died May 14, 2019.
North Carolina – Greensboro (Phi-Theta)
James Herrick (North Carolina-Greensboro) was reappointed as High Pi for Phi-Theta Zeta.
Northern Arizona (Colony)
Brian Lindenmeyer (Clemson) is the newly-appointed High Pi for the Northern Arizona colony. He lives in Phoenix and is an entrepreneur in supply chain/industrial engineering. During his time as an undergraduate member, he was the recruitment chairman and risk management officer. He was also on the International Ritual Team and IFC vice president of recruitment.
Ohio (Alpha-Omega)
Denny P. Berry (1956) died May 27, 2019.
Pennsylvania (Epsilon)
Michael Mele (Pennsylvania) was reappointed as High Pi for Epsilon Zeta.

Rhode Island (Eta)
Jeray Thelwell (Boston) is the newly-appointed High Pi for Eta Zeta at the University of Rhode Island. He resides in Providence, R.I. and is an automation and microfluidics field application development scientist. As an undergraduate member, he held the office of recruitment chairman.
The Lambda Chi Alpha General Fraternity would like to thank former High Pi Brian Smith for his service to the chapter.

Southeast Missouri State (Delta-Phi)
Nick Cutelli (Southeast Missouri State) is the newly-appointed High Pi for Beta-Rho Zeta at California State University, Northridge. He lives in West Hollywood, Calif. and is an actor and writer. During his time as an undergraduate member, he served as the chapter’s executive-at-large.
Jason Galloway (Southeast Missouri State) is the newly-appointed High Pi for Gamma-Kappa Zeta at the University of Missouri. He lives in Lake Saint Louis, Miss. and is a management consultant for a professional service firm. During his time as an undergraduate member, he served as chapter secretary and treasurer.
Spring Hill (Delta-Delta)
Robert Williams (Birmingham Southern) was reappointed High Pi for Delta-Delta Zeta.
Syracuse (Alpha-Upsilon)
Colin Frost (Syracuse) was reappointed as High Pi for Alpha-Upsilon Zeta.
Tarleton State (Phi-Rho)
Bill Waller (Tarleton State) is the newly-appointed High Pi for Phi-Rho Zeta. He lives in Mansfield, Texas and is an account executive for an information technology company. As an undergraduate member, he was vice president of the chapter.
Lambda Chi Alpha would like to thank former High Pi Caleb Chapman (Tarleton State) for his service to the chapter.
Tennessee – Chattanooga (Zeta-Phi)
William Bishop (Tennessee-Chattanooga) is the newly-appointed High Pi for Zeta-Phi Zeta at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga. He lives in Chattanooga, Tenn. and is a program coordinator for the State of Tennessee. During his time as an undergraduate member, he served as social chairman.
Lambda Chi Alpha would like to thank former High Pi David Groves (Tennessee-Chattanooga) for his service to the chapter.
Union (Lambda-Zeta)
Lambda Chi Alpha Board Member Tim Tucker (Union) was reappointed as High Pi for Lambda-Zeta at Union University.
Valparaiso (Iota-Sigma)
Bruce R. Laity (1985) died July 27, 2012.
Vincennes (Sigma-Alpha)
David E. Carrell (1984) died June 10, 2019. During his work life he designed cabinets, worked in computer graphics, and was a truck driver.
Washington (Alpha-Psi)
James F. Weymouth (1968) died May 16, 2019. He was a retired engineer from Boeing. Besides bringing many innovative engineering designs to Boeing during his 41 year career, he was also recognized as an exceptional race car driver of Corvettes with the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA).
Washington State (Tau)
Edward Lamar (1962) died May 24, 2019.
Harold L. Rothgeb (1964) died Sept. 22, 2018.
West Texas A&M (Iota-Xi)
J.B. Carter (1968) died May 25, 2019. He knew early in life that his passion was teaching and coaching. In his early career, he worked for multiple school districts including: Amarillo, River Road, Silverton, Frenship, Atlanta, and Pasadena ISD. While coaching at Frenship, he was the first coach to lead the Basketball team to the District 5-2A championship, Bi-District Championship, and Regional Finals. JB settled at Deer Park ISD where he held various positions including truancy officer, assistant principal at Deepwater Junior High, and eventually decided to return to the classroom teaching high school math.
Wittenberg (Nu-Zeta)
Jason Moon (Wittenberg) is the newly-appointed High Pi for Nu-Zeta Zeta. He lives in Springfield, Ohio and is a senior clinical project manager in the biotech/pharmaceutical industry. During his time as an undergraduate member, he held the office of alumni chairman.
The Lambda Chi Alpha General Fraternity would like to thank former High Pi Michael Terranova (Bowling Green State) for his service to the chapter.