The following are the submissions received from November 2018.
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Akron (Gamma-Alpha)
Charles Wooley (1978) died Nov. 6, 2018. After graduation, he was recruited to move to Atlanta, Georgia and work for J.C. Penney. Less than a year later, he went to work for Delta Airlines and stayed with them for almost 20 years. He later retired after spending five years with IBM as one of their managing consultants.
Alberta (Epsilon-Rho)
Chapter members baked cookies at the Alpha Psi open house. The chapter held educational sessions for members on sexual safety and resume building. The chapter performed an Associate Membership Ceremony for Adil Khamed
Arizona State (Zeta-Psi)
Roger M. Pickett (1970) died Oct. 21, 2018.
Bloomsburg (Beta-Xi)

Michael T. Williams (1976) died Nov. 22, 2018. He was an integral part of the recolonization of Lambda Chi at Bloomsburg University. When the effort began to recolonize, he was the one to lead the spirit and encouragement when others, both in and outside the alumni, did not see the need. He was among the first to be at recolonization exploratory meeting, helped with the alumni administration, and became a role model for the younger associate members. He was an integral part of bringing alumni back to the university for the benefit of the new associate members with the administration of two reunions. Professionally, Williams was a science teacher for the Wilson Borough School District, where he taught in the middle school for 35 years. During his time at the middle school, he was the head of the science club and was always passionate about his teaching. He was awarded with Who’s Who among outstanding teachers, consecutive years in a row. He also coached football for Wilson Area High School.
Bradley (Kappa-Upsilon)
On Nov. 17, 2018, the chapter conducted an Initiation Exemplification Ritual for 26 associate members. The chapter now has more than 60 undergraduate members.
Bucknell (Lambda-Omega)
On Nov. 30, 2018, the chapter conducted an Initiation Ritual Exemplification for 23 associate members.
Howard Roeder (1950) died Nov. 18, 2018. His early employment opportunities came as a lifeguard at Twin Lakes in Pekin, Illinois and a dance instructor at Arthur Murray Studios. This led to a life-long love for the jitterbug and big band music. His true forte was in sales. He honed his skills at Pepsodent, Helene Curtis, the Peoria Journal Star and Multi-Ad Services. At Multi-Ad, he conducted hundreds of seminars and training sessions in the United States and Canada on advertising layout techniques and co-op advertising. He retired from Multi-Ad as vice-president of sales in 1988.
Central Michigan (Lambda-Omega)
Alumnus brother Michael Love, an Allstate agency owner, secured two $1,000 Allstate Foundation Helping Hands in the Community grants to support both Arrowwood Elementary School and the Larkin Township Fire Department in Michigan. As a volunteer with these nonprofits, Love joins thousands of Allstate agency owners and financial specialists around the country who aim to improve their communities by supporting important local causes, such as raising money for domestic violence programs and empowering youth to reach their full potential. Love is an active volunteer firefighter and medical first responder with the Larkin Township Fire Department, an academic selection committee chairman for the Midland Area Community Foundation, and teaches 5th graders with Junior Achievement of North Central Michigan Inc. at Arrowwood Elementary School.
Cornell (Omicron)

Khalfani Louis (2019) won the 2018 Men of Substance Showcase, themed the “Soul Train Edition,” sponsored by Les Femmes de Substance, a leadership and community development organization for women of color at Cornell University. Pageant contestants were judged based on dance routine, questions and answers, swimsuit, and evening wear. Louis is a policy analysis major and has served the chapter secretary and ritual degree team captain.
Drexel (Epsilon-Kappa)
James Heflin (1960) died Nov. 21, 2018. He had a long career as chief financial officer at Lourdes, now called Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center. He joined the staff in 1974 and retired in 2002. Before joining Lourdes, he was a financial and administrative officer at Nazareth Hospital in Philadelphia. In the 1960s, he served as an administrator at the University of Pennsylvania, first as an assistant to the business and financial vice president, and later as director of the management service group, which was responsible for reviewing and evaluating systems and procedures. He was promoted to an assistant comptroller of the university in 1967.
Drury (Theta-Sigma)
Fred O. Lethco (1958) died Nov. 16, 2018. Early in his career, he went into business with his father in the automobile and farm machinery industry. In 1985, he starting working for Thompson Sales Co. He was a member of the Missouri Army National Guard for 40 years and served in active duty in Texas, West Virginia, Alabama, and Panama. He served on the task force in Panama for three years as a safety officer and flew helicopters for 26 years.
Eastern Illinois (Phi-Alpha)

On Oct. 19, 2018, alumnus brother John Schmitt received the Eastern Illinois University Foundation’s Outstanding Foundation Member. The award is given to individuals who demonstrate the ideals of membership in the Foundation through their volunteer service to the Foundation and the the University’s academic and athletic programs, providing the leadership, expertise, and knowledge essential for the work of its advisory and governing boards, administrative councils and committees, and its executives-in-residence programs. The award was presented by EIU Foundation’s president Timothy McCollum and executive director of the EIU Foundation Jonathan McKenzie.
Embry-Riddle (Sigma-Phi)
The chapter won the Alpha Xi Delta Football Frenxi, a charity fundraiser. The chapter also conducted an Initiation Ritual Exemplification for 14 associate members.
Florida State (Zeta-Rho)
Dr. Frank A. Fucile (1951) died Nov. 21, 2018. He was a military veteran and a physician of osteopathic medicine.
Indiana (Alpha-Omicron)
Gene W. Flora (1954) died Nov. 11, 2018. He entered the U.S. Army during the Korean War, serving in the 11th Airborne Division from 1953-1955. He worked as an insurance adjustor and special agent for USF&G from 1957-1968. He also held a CPCU certification. He moved his family to Elkhart where he became manager of the Elkhart Credit Bureau in 1969, until the Credit Bureau was sold in 1988. After retirement from the Credit Bureau, he was employed for eight years as a courier for St. Joseph Capitol Bank in Mishawaka.
Indiana State (Iota-Epsilon)
On Nov. 8, 2018, the chapter hosted the 2nd Annual Pumpkin Bash event to raise money for Feeding America. Due to bad weather, the event had to be rescheduled and many logistics had to be rearranged. The chapter would like to thank chapter Treasurer Paul Marvell who had to do some extra planning to ensure the games, snacks, and other activities were successful.
Iowa (Iota-Chi)
Dan Clark (1962) died Nov. 2, 2018.
Louisville (Zeta-Sigma)
Theodore Morrison (1970) died June 1, 2018. He was the former owner of Gym & Swim Leisure Concepts and was currently employed at Watson’s of Clarksville.
Maine (Beta)
Leslie S. Ray Jr. (1951) died Oct. 30, 2018. He founded the Leslie S. Ray Insurance Agency, Inc. and was also an owner/partner in both a real estate agency and a travel agency business. He helped found the Colonial National Bank which is now part of Eastern Bank. While working tirelessly in and building his successful insurance business, Ray became a past president of the New England Professional Insurance Agents and was voted “Man of the Year” by the Boston Board of Fire Underwriters. He was a past national director of the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents, past president of the Independent Insurance Agents of Greater Beverly, a founding member of the Society of Certified Insurance Counselors and a past member of the Governing Committee of the Massachusetts Automobile Reinsurers.
Marietta (Kappa-Alpha)
Thomas Harris died (1964) Nov. 1, 2018. After attaining is CPA, he earned his doctorate degree from the University of South Carolina in 1989. He was a professor of accounting at Indiana State University from 1989 to 2015 and had served as the department chairperson for several years. He was the recipient of several awards.
Miami-FL (Epsilon-Omega)
James Dahill (1953) died Oct. 26, 2018. A former chapter president, he worked for the John Rembert Co. He then joined his family at the F. J. Dahill Co. and became president until retirement. He was president of the Connecticut Roofing Contractor Association, president of the New England Roofing Contractors Association and he sat on the Board of Directors of the National Roofing Contractors Association.
Michigan State (Gamma-Omicron)
Dean W. Kelley (1962) died Oct. 29, 2018. Upon graduation, he accepted a job with the accounting firm of Seidman & Seidman (now BDO). He spent most of his working life at BDO and moved to Kalamazoo and then to Saginaw, where he was named managing partner of that office at the age of 31. While in Saginaw, he helped form and take public, a start-up biotech company, Neogen, which is now a $3.25 billion Lansing-based company listed on the NASDAQ. After 14 years in Saginaw, he moved to Shreveport, Louisiana and Dallas, Texas where he managed those regions for BDO.
Missouri Science & Technology (Alpha-Delta)
Jeffrey A. Furman (1989) died Nov. 18, 2018. He was an engineer at Boeing for 34 years.
Missouri State (Beta-Psi)
The chapter held an Initiation Ritual Exemplification for 15 associate members. On Nov. 4, 2018, Robert Schoonover completed the Bass Pro Conservation Marathon.
Murray State (Lambda-Eta)
Jeffrey Schrieber (1977) died Oct. 31, 2018. He was an investment broker with Wells Fargo for many years.
Nebraska-Omaha (Iota-Delta)
Chapter members volunteered at a local food bank.
New York (Theta-Upsilon)
Chapter members and members of Zeta Tau Alpha volunteered at Bowery Mission, a food kitchen in New York City serving the food insecure. On Nov. 11-14, 2018, alumni brothers from 1956 to 1967 gathered for their biennial reunion. Centered in a hotel in the French Quarter, 21 brothers and their guests and wives reunited to share experiences, memories, news and plan for the future. Activities included visiting the World War II museum, paddle wheeling, bus touring and exploring on foot.
Edward F. Hudson (1949) died Oct. 28, 2018.
Nevada-Reno (Epsilon-Iota)
Chapter brother raised $800 for the California Fire Foundation to help victims from the recent fires.
Northern Illinois (Phi-Omicron)
Jeffrey S. Berman (1987) died Nov. 14, 2018. He was self-employed and started his own general contracting business, Innovative Home Services, in 2002.
Oklahoma State (Alpha-Eta)
Leslie D. Dunavant (1967) died Nov. 14, 2018. He joined the U.S. Army and served his country proudly. He retired from Claire’s in 1997 where he served as president and chief operating officer. During his tenure at Claire’s, he increased his company holdings from 300 stores to 3,500 worldwide.
Oregon State (Alpha-Lambda)
Gerald C. Doblie died (1956) Oc. 15, 2018.
Pittsburg State (Lambda-Chi)
Honorary Alumnus and former Faculty Advisor Doug Younger is the current interim chair of Pittsburg State University’s Graphic and Image Technologies department, which has rose to national prominence by being named one of the best in the country.
Richmond (Alpha-Chi)
On Nov. 2, alumni and undergraduate chapter members came together to celebrate the chapter’s 100th anniversary. The Centennial Committee was able to have state of Virginia recognize May 10 as Lambda Chi Alpha Day. Alumni flew into Richmond from all over the country and celebrated the brotherhood during an elegant banquet, golfing event, and homecoming tailgate at the lodge.On Nov. 8, 2018, the chapter held an Initiation Ritual Exemplification for two associate members: Jiwon and Dom.
South Dakota School of Mines (Pi-Mu)
Chapter members participated in Night in the Cold, an event to raise awareness for the homeless in Rapid City, South Dakota. The chapter invited other Greek houses, the community, and students to participate in a movie, games, cardboard house building competition, and sleeping outside. The temperatures became well below freezing, however, so sleeping overnight had to be moved to an indoor gym. The event raised more than $1,100 for the Cornerstone Rescue Mission. The chapter also held an Initiation Ritual Exemplification for seven associate members.
South Dakota State (Lambda-Theta)
Along with the Alpha Gamma chapter at the University of South Dakota, the chapter participated in 50-year tradition of the Football Run, where the game ball is carried 134 miles from one campus to the other. As part of the run, both chapters work to raise awareness and funds for Feeding South Dakota, which is associated with Feeding America. The Lambda Theta chapter raised $3,125 in donations and sponsorships, which is being matched by the South Dakota Corn Growers Association. With the match, the chapter $6250 for Feeding South Dakota, which equates to over 25,000 individual meals.
Tampa (Pi-Omega)
Chapter President Nathan Legger received the Bob Ruday Student Leader of the Month for September. This award exemplifies leadership traits, going above and beyond to contribute to the community, and serving in as a role model that displays a high sense of personal responsibility and morals.
Texas (Alpha-Mu)
Alumni brother Todd Phillips lived for a month on a small barge on Lake Ray Hubbard, raising $2.3 million for his nonprofit, The Last Well, which aims to provide clean water for all of Liberia by 2020. The Last Well, Phillips’ nonprofit, was launched in 2008 by a group at Frontline Church in Washington, D.C., where Phillips was a pastor. The group decided to focus its philanthropy on Liberia when its members asked themselves: What’s the most challenging place in the world, and what is that place’s greatest need?
Truman State (Phi-Psi)
The chapter held its annual Watermelon Fest, raising more than $2,000 for a local food bank. The funds will benefit Adair County, the poorest county in Missouri.
Tulsa (Epsilon-Upsilon)
The chapter held alumni event during homecoming. The chapter conducted an Initiation Ritual Exemplification for seven associate members and held their annual Brosgiving Dinner.
Lt. Col. Ret. Jerry B. Davenport (1956) died Oct. 22, 2018. He graduated from the Army War College and received his second master’s degree from Columbia University. His entire Army career was as a sociologist counselor. This was immediately followed with 30 plus years as a psychiatric social worker with the civil service in U.S. Military hospitals around the world.
Valparaiso (Iota-Sigma)
The chapter hosted its second annual St. Baldricks philanthropy event and raised approximately $20,000 for pediatric cancer research. Brothers Mark Heckler, Zach Diamond and Max Grover were initiated into the chapter of the Order of Omega. Chapter brothers helped conduct a Initiation Ritual Exemplification for 29 associate members at the Illinois State University colony.
Western Carolina (Beta-Zeta)
Jared W. Franks (2016) died Nov. 11, 2018. He was a patrol officer with the Greensboro Police Department and died in the line of duty.
West Liberty State (Lambda-Psi)
Jack Greenberg (1973) died Oct. 28, 2018.
West Texas A&M (Iota-Xi)
Gene V. Morrison (1975) died Nov. 8, 2018. After graduation, he taught music at Austin Junior High School in Amarillo, Texas. In 1992, he was appointed by President Bill Clinton to work in the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development’s Special Actions Office. In that role, he spearheaded the federal government’s response to devastating floods in the Midwest, housing crises in rural America, and the desegregation of public and assisted housing in communities across the US, including areas where some residents violently opposed desegregation. In 1995, he was tasked, by then Gov. George Bush, to be the director of special projects for the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs and later the State Lease Officer at the Texas Building and Procurement Commission.
William Jewell (Epsilon-Nu)
James Prather died (1961) died Nov. 5, 2018. He honorably served on active duty in the United States Air Force in 1962. He worked for more than 30 years in agricultural sales/purchasing for Farmland Industries, before branching off to start WilFarm, LLC with his respected colleagues and friends in the ag-chemical business, from which he retired.
William & Mary (Colony)
The chapter held its first Initiation Ritual Exemplification for the associate members.
Richard Thomas (1943) died Nov. 11, 2018.
Worcester Polytechnic (Pi)
William R. Schneider (1951) died Nov. 5, 2018.
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