Chapter News:February
The following are the submissions received for the month of February 2016.
To submit chapter news, please email editor@lambdachi.org. Undergraduate officers can also report updates on their chapter by logging on to Officer Portal and accessing the “Submit Chapter News” form. If you can not find news from your chapter, then no information has been submitted for this month.
Akron (Gamma-Alpha)
On Feb. 27, chapter members assisted the Akron Rotary with the Chili Open community service event.
Alabama – Birmingham (Sigma-Chi)
Partnered with the women of Delta-Gamma sorority, the chapter held a rose sale for Valentine’s Day and raised $230 for the local Children’s Hospital.
The chapter held a Faculty Soup-er Bowl that raised more than 500 pounds of food. On Feb. 28, Yonatan Reuven became an associate member and was assigned Jeff Bregar as his big brother. Jacob Burk, John Beyer, Henry Hammond, and James Philbrick are members of the varsity swim team. Burk broke two university records and was also named the Ohio Athletic Conference champion.
Ball State University (Iota-Alpha )
The chapter added six associate members.
Bloomsburg Colony (Beta-Xi Colony)
On Feb. 28, the colony added nine associate members: Enrico Connors, Eric Smith, Isiah Young, Brian McBrearty, Justin Moffat, Nicholas Cramp, Rocco Longo,Sam Stroman, and Taquan Hargrove.
Juan Vazquez was selected as the Spring 2016 recipient of the Kappa-Upsilon Outstanding Brother Scholarship. The award recognizes a brother that embodies Lambda Chi’s seven core values, consistently showcases outstanding leadership, and contributes positively to the public perception of the Kappa Upsilon. Upon receiving the award, Vasquez said: “Lambda Chi Alpha has made me into the man that I am today. It’s the internal bond that has united me with a group of men for a lifetime. It’s the ongoing work that each brother puts towards carrying our letters. It’s the diversity and belonging that continues to welcome new members with open arms. Lambda Chi Alpha is me and Lambda Chi Alpha is each brother that chooses to represent its letters every day.”
Bucknell (Delta)
Varsity tennis player Nick Bybel began the season by winning matches at both 1st singles, and 1st doubles. Bybel is ranked No. 114 in the preseason rankings. Kenneth Griffin competed in the Student Startups Onscreen with his product Flip n’ Flate, a revolutionary new air mattress that is stored underneath a rug.
In February, chapter brothers celebrated Valentine’s Day with a date night. The chapter also held a scholarship dinner in which several professors attended. Eight brothers attended the Midwest Conclave at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. The associate members earned second place in First Year Skits, a competition against other Greek organizations.
California – Los Angeles (Epsilon-Sigma )
The chapter earned a average 3.43 GPA for the previous quarter, the highest of all fraternities.
The chapter hosted an inaugural Alumni Golf Tournament that brought together undergraduate and alumni brothers. The chapter also hosted a week-long blood drive to benefit patients at the Ronald Reagan Hospital.
The chapter added a GoFundMe application to its canned food drive for Feeding America that raised more than $1,300. The chapter won the intramural volleyball championship and reached the semifinals in soccer, three on three basketball, and coed soccer and volleyball. The chapter added 16 associate members during spring recruitment. Nikita Dubnov (2017) is part of the three-member Cornell CIS team named a top-three finalist in the national student coding competition sponsored by Pearson. Their app, called MINT, is an essay editor that freshens content by assessing uniqueness of words, providing definition assistance and helping the writer find related sources.
Cincinnati (Gamma-Gamma)
The chapter added four associate members during spring recruitment. Chapter members are volunteering weekly at the Freestore Foodbank.
Chapter members have raised more than $14,000 for UDance, a school-wide philanthropy event that supports The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation. The Foundation funds pediatric cancer research and advocacy and financially supports the families of children with cancer. The chapter’s official UDance Hero is Hayden who is a survivor of pediatric cancer. Chapter members enjoyed spending time with him at the UDance holiday party.
Alumnus brother Jim Quarles (1968), who worked on the Watergate trials and is the chief litigator for Apple and Intel, spoke to the chapter and the greater Denison community about his career experience after graduation.
Drexel (Epsilon-Kappa)
The chapter added 10 associate members during spring recruitment.
Dominique Norris completed his performance in Little Shop of Horrors. He played the lead role of Orin Scrivello. The chapter earned third place in Chi Omega’s philanthropy dodgeball tournament.
On February 14, the chapter added 18 associate members during spring recruitment.
Evansville (Iota-Mu)
Chapter brothers attended and participated in philanthropies, including the Polar Plunge, Musical Madness (1st place), and a Nerd Wars.
The chapter added six associate members during spring recruitment. In January, chapter members donated blood during Greek Blood Drive, placing in the top 10 for participation.
Chapter members participated in a road clean up in Melbourne, Florida, collecting 41 pounds for trash.
With the help of the women of Zeta Tau Alpha, the chapter raised more than $800 for an alumni brother whose wife was diagnosed with breast cancer.
The chapter volunteered and helped sponsor the Extra Special People Big Hearts Pageant. The event brings together members of the community with the children with disabilities.
Georgetown (Kappa-Omega)
Chapter members volunteered at a local men’s homeless shelter, cooking chili and serving dinner.
George Washington (Delta-Xi)
Chapter members volunteered at the Capital Area Food Bank.
Hanover (Theta-Zeta)
At the Greek Life awards, Justin Winkler won an outstanding academic achievement award; Abdul Mohamood received an excellence in service award; Joe Rector won Greek Newcomer of the Year award; Dylan Huber won Unsung Hero award; Chapter Advisor Frank Maez won the Greek Advisor of the Year award; and, chapter President Evan Anders won the Greek Man of the Year award.
Indiana (Alpha-Omicron)
The chapter added 16 associate members. On Feb. 27, chapter members participated in the second annual Drop The Puck hockey series. The inter-fraternal hockey games raise money for the American Brain Tumor Association. The chapter’s team beat the Delta Upsilon team 5-1.
Iowa State (Alpha-Tau)
The chapter added six associate members. Chapter members attended community service events to benefit the Painted Turtle Camp and to help local elementary school students learn to read.
Chapter members participated in an adopt a highway road cleanup, cleaning the streets of Harrisonburg and giving back the community. Chapter members helped raise money for Alpha Phi and Sigma Kappa philanthropy events. Grant Drohat, Austin Luke and Josiah McClements were selected to be FROGs (first year orientation guides) for the fall of 2016.
John Carroll (Pi-Eta)
Eight members earned a spot on the fall 2015 Dean’s List.
Chapter members participated in the Delta Zeta philanthropy lip sync battle, raising about $900 dollars for The Painted Turtle Camp, The Starkey Hearing Foundation and Gallaudet University.
Chapter members volunteered at the North Chicago Schools tutoring children.
Paired with Zeta Tau Alpha, the chapter hosted a pancake fundraiser that raised more than $900 for pediatric cancer research. Chapter members won a 3-on-3 basketball philanthropy event hosted by Pi Beta Phi sorority. Twenty-eight chapter members participated in university’s annual dance marathon that raises money for pediatric cancer research. Austin Vest won the Delta Zeta’s 20165 fraternity man of the year award.
Maine (Beta)
The chapter added 11 associate members.
Marietta (Kappa-Alpha)
In February, the chapter held Valentine’s Day Formal with Chi Omega Sorority. The chapter participated in Random Acts of Kindness Week, completing more than 100 acts of kindness..
The chapter added 21 associate members.
The chapter held an Initiation Ritual Exemplification for 32 associate members.The chapter held a spring philanthropy, Rent-A-Guy Alpha, where members serve the community in exchange for donations to Feeding America.
On Feb. 27, the chapter held its annual Pancake Breakfast philanthropy benefiting Relay for Life with the women of Phi Delta Chi sorority. On Febr. 28, six members volunteered at the annual Copper Dog 150 held in Calumet, Michigan. After the event, the members helped remove over four blocks of snow fence.
Minnesota State (Lambda-Delta)
The chapter celebrated Crescent Week with the women of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. The week long social consisted of a different event each night. On Feb 26, the chapter helped with the Mount Kato Ski and Board Drive. All of the food that was brought was donated to ECHO Food Shelf that benefits Feeding America. On Feb. 27, chapter brothers attended a dance marathon that helped raise $26,000 for charity. On Feb. 28, the chapter held an Associate Member Ceremony for two new members.
Missouri Science and Technology (Alpha-Delta)
Chapter members participated in a neighborhood canned food drive.
The chapter held two bake sales in conjunction with Up Till Dawn philanthropy event benefiting St. Jude Children’s Hospital. The bake sale raised $600. Chapter members also participated in 3 on 3 basketball tournament, ROTC Best Racer, AOPi Strike Out, and All Campus Sing philanthropy events.
New Mexico State (Zeta-Gamma)
The chapter added six associate members during spring recruitment. Chapter members participated in the annual Greek Carnival, where they set-up games for kids in the community.
New Orleans (Lambda-Alpha)
The chapter held philanthropy event for Angel’s Place, local non-profit.
North Carolina – Greensboro (Phi-Theta)
Partnered with Alpha Delta Pi sorority, the 19 chapter members competed in the annual Guilford Polar Plunge supporting the North Carolina Special Olympics. The event raised more than $1,600.
North Carolina State (Gamma-Upsilon)
The chapter signed a ground lease for a new house to be constructed on a lot within the Greek Village. The house is designed to be three stories tall and will house close to 40 brothers. The alumni board announced the final plans in early January and completion of the house is predicted to be late spring of 2018.
The chapter held an Associate Member Ceremony for 14 new members. The chapter won the Sigma Phi Epsilon Hoops for Hope basketball tournament that benefits the Special Olympics.
Northwestern (Alpha-Iota)
On March 4, the chapter raised more than $16,000 with Chi-Omega for Blessings in a Backpack and Dance Marathon, sending 41 dancers from both chapters to dance for 30 hours.
The chapter helped Phi Kappa Theta raise more than $650 for their Polar Plunge to help support the Special olympics of Ohio. The chapter also partnered with United Campus Ministries to help serve Feeding America by volunteering at their weekly soup kitchen. The chapter collected more than 200 cans of food from Singing for Soup, a semesterly philanthropy event that includes singing to sororities in exchange for canned food donations. Chapter members traveled to the University of West Virginia to conduct the Associate Membership Ceremony for 21 members of the new colony.
The chapter helped support Alpha Chi Omega during their philanthropy week supporting Healthy Relationships through the YWCA. Chapter brothers held a Hearts for Hunger philanthropy event that included a talent show. The event raised $1,650 and 81 pounds of canned food that equates to 8,317 for the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma.
Three members attended the Atlantic Conclave.
The chapter held an Initiation Ritual Exemplification for 16 associate members. Christian Tavernaro received the Alumni Scholarship award from the Alumni Advisory Board for his outstanding service to Lambda Chi Alpha. On Feb. 18, the chapter celebrated 35 members that achieved a GPA of 3.14 or better at the Pi for Pie awards dinner. The chapter is currently second among all the fraternities a 3.17 GPA average. The chapter is currently looking forward to Mother’s Day on April 2nd and Founder’s Day on April 23rd.
Rensselaer (Epsilon-Eta)
The chapter added 13 associate members. The chapter earned a average 3.24 GPA, the second highest Greek average. On Feb. 20, chapter members participated in the the fourth annual Strike-Out Strokes philanthropy event hosted by Alpha Phi sorority. Chris Hoskins was invited to join the Phalanx honor society. He is president of Colleges against Cancer, an ambassador for admissions, and SGA communications chair.
Jacob Rigelman, Andrew Tebbe, Chase Salyers, Jenner Wile, Zach Stichter, and Christopher Baker attended the Midwestern Conclave held at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
San Diego (Delta-Kappa)
The chapter added 39 associate members.
Shippensburg Colony (Phi-Tau Colony)
The colony added eight associate members.
On Feb. 15, the chapter held an Associate Member Ceremony for 16 new members.
The chapter’s 93rd annual Strollers cast placed second. The chapter also received recognition for best backdrop and best costumes for the theme of Alice in Wonderland. To register for the chapter centennial celebration in April, please visit http://www.lambdachiatusd.com.
Southern Indiana (Phi-Xi)
On Feb. 13, Dallas Chew, Nathan Criss, and Derek Welp participated in the Polar Plunge supporting Special Olympics. On Feb. 9, Patrick Hansen, Kaleb Kramer, Jack Cawley, Sean Kennedy, Dallas Chew, Jacob Delk, Christian Miller, Ryan Stenftenagel, and Kollin Macke participated in the Gamma Phi Beta Lip Sync competition. Nathan Criss, Sean Kennedy, and Jacob Delk participated in the Alpha Sigma Alpha Mr. Southern competition philanthropy event.
Syracuse Colony (Alpha-Upsilon Colony)
The colony added 22 associate members, raising the total chapter size to 90 members. On Feb. 28, the colony filed its chartering application.
With help of Sigma Kappa sorority, the chapter held a food drive that collected nearly 1,500 pounds of food for a local food bank. Chapter members volunteered at Hope Kitchen, preparing food for the homeless.
Valparaiso (Iota-Sigma)
The chapter added 11 new associate members. The chapter held a self-defense event with the Valparaiso Police Department. The chapter hosted a group dates that including ice skating and bowling. Chapter members participated in a smash cancer philanthropy event.
Virginia Commonwealth (Pi-Tau)
On Feb. 21, the chapter held an Initiation Ritual Exemplification for three associate members. Marcus Fodden was elected as IFC vice president of recruitment.
Virginia Tech (Sigma-Lambda)
On Feb. 22, the chapter added 19 associate members under the leadership of recruitment chairman Justin Price.
Chapter members attended Boys and Girls Club of Montgomery County basketball games. In addition to sponsoring the team, the chapter also helped setup and clean the gym.
Wake Forest (Theta-Tau)
On March 4, the chapter held an Initiation Ritual Exemplification for 17 associate members.
Western (Delta-Eta)
During their weekly chapter meeting, harm reduction officer Bryn Evans invited a guest speaker from Mothers Against Drug Drivers (MAAD) and a local police to address the chapter members about the dangers of drinking and driving.
Wisconsin – Whitewater (Lambda-Iota)
The chapter hosted the Midwest Conclave that included 75 attendees from various chapters in the region.
Wittenberg (Nu-Zeta)
The chapter added four associate members. Morgan Miller was elected as the new chapter president.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Pi)
The chapter has worked to expand their philanthropy, Grier Strong, to other organizations on campus. Currently more than $3,400 has been raised through events of other greek organizations on campus.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”C&C” color=”black”][/vc_column][/vc_row]