
Drew Johnson – 30 Under 30


Picture1Nominator’s comments:

“Drew has served as chapter advisor for the Gamma-Chi chapter for two years while also starting a charity to provide weekend snack packs to local children in need. He was an active member during his days and was also an honors college fellowship recipient (full scholarship). He graduated with the honor of magna cum laude with a double major in economics and finance and was named an outstanding student in finance.”

How has your Lambda Chi Alpha experience attributed to success in your field or in other accomplishments?

Lambda Chi has played an important role in shaping me into the man I am today. From striving for academic excellence and inspiring a philanthropic spirit to emphasizing the importance of being a team player and building life-long friends, I can think of few things outside of my faith and family that have played a bigger part in my life. While many of my brothers have had similar experiences in having their lives molded by this fraternity, I think one thing that sets my experience apart is the work that my brothers did for my family and neighbors following the Joplin Tornado. It speaks to the character of the men we recruit and the standards that we instill. The day after the tornado, I was met by a convoy of around 15 members who brought tools, supplies, and food when we were at our most desperate. The boys worked for the next 12 hours in a mix of sweltering heat and torrential rain, helping throughout the neighborhood. To this day, our friends and neighbors talk about the “frat boys” who came to the rescue and the infectious spirit of hope that each brought to our neighborhood. This is the essence of the spirit of the Gamma-Chi chapter. We work hard, we work together, and we give back.

As I’ve transitioned into the “real world” and become chapter advisor, Lambda Chi has again provided a place for me to build skills that have directly led to my success. Whether it was advising on chapter matters, helping plan events, leading change (we moved out of our house for the first time in over 50 years as it underwent renovations), or just basic public speaking (not everyone gets to speak in front of a crowd of almost 200 men every week), I have been truly blessed with this opportunity.

What do you hope to accomplish in your next 30 years, professionally, personally, or fraternally?

When I talk about my goals I like to break them down into two categories: work goals and life goals.

In terms of work goals, I am at an interesting point in my career. I have been very fortunate with the opportunities Walmart has provided me, but I am ready to go out and explore other areas of personal interest. This year I am planning to apply to business school. My goal is to attend a top school and become a management consultant. After gaining some new experience and building additional skills, I would like to become a leader at a smaller CPG company. I would love to leverage my background in retail to help grow a small business.

Life goals really boil down to two things: philanthropy and fraternity. I witnessed some of the most profound altruism after the tornado and those moments continue to inspire me to always give back. My wife and I are both very active in the community. We decided right after we got married that our measure of success would be how much we gave, both time and money, to organizations we were passionate about, rather than how much we earned or how quickly we rose through the ranks.

In 2014, I founded a charity in northwest Arkansas to provide weekend meals to middle school children on free or subsidized lunches. In addition to volunteering with the charity, I also plan to continue to serve Lambda Chi. I’ve seen the impact that strong leaders can have on an organization and it is my hope that I can play an important role in shaping the lives of the next generations of our brothers.

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