ELC Regions Announced for Spring 2017
After a successful fall semester, the ELCs will hit the road once again. 195 chapters and colonies will receive a visit from an ELC.
In addition to chapter visits, three expansions will be in the works, including Houston Baptist, North Texas, and Johnson and Wales (Providence). Teams of two ELCs will serve as the leads on these expansion projects.
The Chapter/Colony Operation Reflection & Elevation Report (CORE Report) will be the main focus of an ELC’s visit to a campus or colony. With this report, chapter evaluation is placed in the undergraduates’ hands and allows for the members of each chapter or colony to showcase their year-round efforts on how they are living the values of Lambda Chi Alpha. Each ELC will help his chapter or colony with the CORE Report process before the April 15th deadline.
To learn how to contact each ELC and see his region, check out the information below:

For referral forms for future expansions, please contact Associate Director of Expansion, Chris Buck at expansion@lambdachi.org. To see information on upcoming expansions, click here.