Event Planning Forms – Tips & Tricks #1
By: Kyle McCormick, Chapter Conduct Coordinator
Chapter/Colony Specific Contracts
Is your Chapter/Colony ready to have a social, formal, or other large scale event? Will you be hiring security, bartenders, or renting out a venue? To speed the Event Planning Process up make sure you use the correct names on the contracts. This helps make sure all contracts are between the local chapter/colony and the venue/security/bartenders and not the General Fraternity as a whole.
Chapter Example: Ball State (Iota-Alpha Zeta)
To sign a contract at the Ball State chapter correctly, the men would need to create a contract between (Insert Venue/bartenders/security company) and the Iota-Alpha Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha at Ball State University.
Colony Example: McDaniel College (McDaniel Colony)
To sign a contract at the McDaniel College colony correctly, the men would need to create a contract between (Insert Venue/bartenders/security company) and the McDaniel College Colony of Lambda Chi Alpha at McDaniel College.
***Make sure that all contracts receive approval from the International Headquarters before you sign any agreement.***
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