
Event Planning Forms – Tips & Tricks #3


Event Planning Forms – Submission Deadlines

  1. “One of the most common reasons Event Planning Forms get denied is due to the submission deadline. All Event Planning Forms go through the same process: Submitting Officer -> High Alpha -> High Pi (If there is one) -> Harm Reduction Staff. The 15 or 30 day deadline is based on when the EPF gets to the Harm Reduction Staff’s level of the process. A best practice is to text/call/email all officers at the chapter level as soon as an EPF has started the approval process to get it in before the deadline.”
  2. Examples:
    1. EPF for an event on 9/30/2016
      1. Submitting officer completed an Event Planning Form on 9/15/2016. (15 days before the event including the day it was submitted on.)
      2. High Alpha approves the form on 9/15/2016. (15 days before the event including the day it was submitted on.)
      3. High Pi approves the form on 9/18/2016. (12 days before the event including the day it was submitted on.)
      4. Harm Reduction Staff denies form because it was submitted inside the 15 day deadline.


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