
Five Tips to Raise Awareness During Hunger Action Month [VIDEO]


Five Tips to Raise Awareness During Hunger Action Month [VIDEO]

Whether you are a large chapter or small chapter, raising awareness for your philanthropic cause is critical to increasing donations and hosting successful events. Often, people want to know the single best strategy for how to raise awareness for an event or philanthropic cause. In reality, there is no one right way to do it. Instead, you should invest time in more than one strategy.

Bringing attention to your cause when you have a limited budget can be tricky. It becomes easier with the right ideas. Outlined below are several ways to raise awareness for your philanthropy campaign, broken down by events, contests, branding, content, and challenges.

  1. Host Events
  • Organize educational events
    • Host an educational workshop where you educate your chapter members and the public about your cause. Make sure to engage in conversation about your cause using the personal stories of people you know.
    • Feeding America’s “Map the Meal Gap” provides quick and easy statistics and data that you can use in an educational workshop.
  • Host fundraising events
    • A fundraising event can help boost both awareness and donations to your cause. From a Penny Wars competition to t-shirt drives, there are no shortage of winning fundraising ideas.
    • Set The Table is new tool designed by Feeding America that allows groups to create a custom fundraising page in order to raise funds for Feeding America. The Zeta-Omicron chapter at the University of Oregon recently used this tool and raised over $11,000 in a matter of weeks!
  1. Host Contests
  • Picture Perfect
    • People are naturally drawn to visual content. Pick a theme, a time frame, and a social media platform to host it. Then, ask your supporters to submit their best photos by tagging you. Pick the winner and feature the photo on your social media pages. A good project for this might be a “CANstruction”!
  • Like & Comment to Win
    • This idea is simple and invites a lot of engagement. Simply create a new post on social media, make sure it links to your campaign, and explain the contest to your followers. You can pick the winner at random. Consider asking local businesses if they would sponsor a prize like a gift card.
  1. Brand the Event or Cause Properly
  • Keep it consistent
    • The key to making your cause easy to recognize is keeping the imagery and wording consistent. Always use the image or logo for profile pictures and make sure your call to action doesn’t vary.
  • Design and give out swag
    • It may be worth it to spend a small amount of money to make swag that you can hand out. Keep it simple with items like stickers, buttons, or t-shirts. The point it to get people to start recognizing and representing your cause.
  1. Produce Valuable Content
  • Create handbills and/or pamphlets
    • A great way for people to learn about your cause is through handbills or informational pamphlets. Organize the key information summarizing your event or cause and craft it into something that catches people’s interest.
  • Write press releases for your student newspaper
    • You can usually submit press releases to campus newspapers for free. There are free samples of press releases in the appendix of the Feeding America Resource Guide.
  1. Use Challenges to Increase Engagement
  • Challenge your Greek community and other student organizations
    • Encourage students in and out of the Greek community to participate in a challenge to raise funds and awareness for your event or cause.

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