Hunter Pattison is a fourth year medical student at the University of Florida College of Medicine pursuing a career in emergency medicine. Passionate about health policy within the medical field, he currently serves as the Speaker (of the House) of the American Medical Association- Medical Student Section, and has been extensively involved in multiple leadership roles within organized medicine on a local, statewide and national level. In addition to his studies, Hunter also serves as president of the University of Florida’s Medical College Council and on the Board of Directors for UF’s Equal Access Clinic Network, which provides care to the underserved population of Alachua County, Fla. He is a graduate of the University of Florida with a dual degree in psychology and biological ssciences and a master’s degree in physiology from Georgetown University. As an undergraduate, he was heavily involved with the Epsilon-Mu chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha at the University of Florida.
How, if at all, has your Lambda Chi Alpha experience attributed to success in your field or in other accomplishments?
Lambda Chi Alpha and the Epsilon-Mu chapter at UF was integral to my growth and development as a person, and helped me tap into my passion for working to change my community in a positive and fulfilling way. The values that I learned still help me to serve as a leader in my career, and friendships and connections I made during my time as an undergraduate are still making an impact on my life to this day.
When I first started, the initial connections I made with brothers ahead of me who shared an interest in the medical field really helped me navigate my way through a large campus and the difficult road of applying to medical schools. My chapter also have very strong and inspiring campus leaders who served as great mentors to me, and helped me to develop in my own form of a leader within Epsilon-Mu and the University of Florida community. In addition, some of my closest friends in the fraternity also shared a drive to “make the world better than we found it,” and motivated me to become a better person in all aspects of my personal and professional life.
Of everything, my experience with Lambda Chi Alpha taught me the value of courage and perseverance in the setting of hardship, and that no matter how many times you fall or how hard you fall, there will always be a brother next you to help you back up. During my junior year, our chapter underwent a membership review and we were left with a fractured chapter that had to rebuild itself. With the help of the brothers and our alumni, we were able to come together out of the experience stronger than ever before, as both a chapter and a brotherhood.
What do you hope to accomplish in your next 30 years, professionally, personally or fraternally?
Professionally, my goal is to become a future advocate and leader within the field of health policy and emergency medicine, while also becoming extensively involved in the medical education of both medical students and residents. I have always had a strong passion for mentoring, so my goal is to make a positive impact on my patients and community while helping to train the next future of medicine and the health care field.
Personally, I hope to have a healthy life and family wherever my career takes me, and I plan on trying to stay involved in Lambda Chi Alpha in some form as an alumnus. My father, a Zeta-Rho from Florida State’s chapter, has always been a great inspiration and leader to me, and in his busy schedule managing a career and family has found a way to stay involved on the LCA Educational Board and keep in touch with his brothers. I plan on trying to stay involved in some way once I move further in my career, while also maintaining and building upon the friendships and relationships I formed at Epsilon-Mu.
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