
Job Search: Where Can Lambda Chi Alpha Take You?


Job Search: Where Can Lambda Chi Alpha Take You?

Your Fraternity.  Your Career.

Nearly 200 chapters.  Nearly 1,400 alumni volunteers.  Nearly 11,000 Collegiate Brothers and Associate Members.


In Lambda Chi Alpha’s 107 years, our brotherhood and supporters have grown rapidly, but not without help.  Thousands of volunteers and campus professionals have helped Lambda Chi Alpha’s mission along the way.  Yet, our Fraternity could not have been sustained without the challenging efforts of one International Headquarters (IHQ) staff.

Our IHQ staff is a mix of seasoned veterans and young professionals, all coming together to make the premier collegiate experience of LCA a reality.  The forefront of our efforts and the face of our Fraternity is our Educational Leadership Consultant (ELC) team.

Our IHQ team is looking to hire ELCs for the 2017-2018 academic year!

Do you have what it takes to be an ELC?  Ask yourself:


  • Would I like to meet thousands of brothers across the continent?
  • Would I develop professionally as an ELC?
  • Would I like to help start new LCA colonies and help existing chapters?
  • Do I want to be a part of LCA’s future?


The ELC position is right for you if you answered, “YES!”  Mix one part fraternal passion, one part professional development, one part travel, and one part career advancement, and an ELC could be the right step for your professional and fraternal future.


Previous ELCs have gone on to do amazing things as soon as they finished their ELC years:

Michael DeCourcy advanced to the Director of The Wittenberg Fund at Wittenberg University.

Justin Friend went on to become the Global Onboarding Program Manager at Salesforce.

Colin Nelson-Pinkston is now studying for his Masters in Higher Education at Southern Methodist University in Texas.

Michael Rosenberg serves as the Community Relations Coordinator at INFORMS in the Washington D.C. Metro Area.


Will Lambda Chi Alpha improve my communication skills?  Yes.

Will Lambda Chi Alpha make me a more marketable candidate for employers?  Yes.

Will Lambda Chi Alpha improve my experience with graduate school plans? Yes.

Can Lambda Chi Alpha take me where I want to go professionally?  Yes!


To check out the application process, dates, requirements and job descriptions, visit the LCA website here.


For awesome facts you might not know about being an ELC, click here.