Welcome to the Lambda Chi Academy, your resource for leadership development and personal growth. To access the Academy, you’ll need an LCA FSID.
If this is your first time, contact Logan Reneau at lreneau@lambdachi.org to set up your account. Once complete, you’ll unlock training programs and tools to help you succeed in your role and grow as a leader. We’re excited to have you on board!
The New Learning Experience
We have transformed our learning platform, content, and approach. We have identified what worked in the past and what didn’t, and by centering on the needs of our Brothers, we have reimagined our learning to ensure it drives engagement and builds performance.
Our new, fresh, intuitive and interactive learning platform, Lambda Chi Academy, aims to optimize and enhance the learning experience by creating ease for both instructors and Brothers. By enabling a scalable, uniform approach to learning, we can meet the needs of the Brother.
This exciting platform has the ability to operate on different devices, so Brothers can browse lessons, attend events, write their assessments, network and engage in discussions on the device of their choice
Expert Testimonials
Hear from Brothers in the field who are using the skills learned from Ideal Man and Stead Leadership College every day to make a difference.
Learning should be fun, and that’s why Brothers earn points every time they learn. And points mean prizes. From exchanging points for individual merchandise to climbing the leaderboard and aiming for a Chapter prize, Brothers and Chapters will be rewarded and recognized.
Meet Your Cohort Leaders
Through Lambda Chi Academy, students are able to join global cohorts to engage in live online sessions and forge connections with Alumni. Meet your social cohort leaders!