How, if at all, has your Lambda Chi Alpha experience attributed to success in your field or in other accomplishments?
Lambda Chi Alpha has directly attributed to my success. My very first job out of school was working for Brother John Arias in his consulting firm which influenced my decision to pursue public accounting. The rest of my accounting career has progressed from there and eventually led to my current position as the finance director for the Bexar County Appraisal District. As for my military career, I’ve always wanted to fulfill a family legacy of service to our country and I really missed the camaraderie of the guys from when I was in school. So, at 28 I joined the Texas Air National Guard and it has been one of the best decisions of my life. There’s a genuine brotherhood mentality as an airman which fits so well with the LCA core values that were instilled in me. Some of those planted seeds of service back as an undergrad in the chapter have blossomed in my professional career and has allowed me the opportunity to serve the local San Antonio area, the state of Texas and the country. Another major lesson I learned as an undergrad was time management from Brother Mark Jauregui. It sounds so simple, however, the earlier you notice where your time is spent, whether it be chapter/IFC meetings/studying/work/social events as an undergrad; that experience will directly translate to a professional career down the road, especially with a growing family.
What do you hope to accomplish in your next 30 years, professionally, personally or fraternally?
In the next 30 years I hope to accomplish a great deal of things. My wife and I have a baby girl coming this year, so my main focus is to be the best father and husband that I can be. I was blessed to meet my wife (an Alpha Omicron Pi alumnus) as an undergrad and am grateful for how much she does for our family. She’s definitely my rock. Professionally, I plan to begin graduate school in January 2017 pursuing a Master of Science in global energy management. Hopefully, my accounting knowledge can become an entrepreneurial opportunity down the road. While working for both the county and military, I hope to make a good positive influence in my respective area and provide necessary information to local leaders and decision makers who will have an impact on the community. I also hope to motivate other young professionals and airmen to really see how much time they can dedicate to tasks at hand and still be there for their loved ones. Fraternally, I hope to become more involved in the local alumni association. We are pretty fortunate in San Antonio to have three local chapters that contribute to the alumni population in town; not to mention the transplant brothers that now call San Antonio home. I’ve met numerous brothers from all over the country that live here now and it would be great to be more involved with my old chapter. Since graduating, LCA has afforded me the time to grow professionally and I’m nearing a point to where I can positively give back.
Mark Green
Phi Upsilon 356
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