There’s no better way to make the most of your college experience—and beyond—than through brotherhood in Lambda Chi Alpha. Like many great brothers before you, it’s your time to have the courage to become the man you’ve always known you could be. Write your story of honor. Your story of integrity. Your story of legacy.
lca made
LCA Made features a collection of stories highlighting the stories of brothers who have lived, exemplified and/or personified our core values—a showcase for incredible Lambda Chi leaders, who rise to the occasion to face and overcome unique challenges.

Epsilon-Alpha Colony – Leaders on Campus
Greek Life has been a tradition at William & Mary since 1776. Now, Lambda Chi Alpha has returned to the historic campus with hopes to

Ryan Crain – Self-Made Man
Ryan Crain, a founding father from the University of Wisconsin – La Cross colony is a Self-Made Man. Experience his story.

The Lambda Chi Alpha Connection
Moving to a big city can be daunting; using your Lambda Chi Alpha Network makes it all that much easier.
Many of the events, partnerships and resources that contribute to the Lambda Chi Alpha experience are sustained by the support of lifelong brothers. Keep your commitment to the brotherhood and support the next generation of Lambda Chi Alpha men.