
LEarning outcomes

Learning, and in particular leadership development, sits at the very heart of Lambda Chi Alpha. In seeking to equip Brothers with the key skills to play a full role in their chapter and college and by offering unique development opportunities, our aim is to set the foundations for future success.  For us, it’s all about building skills and brotherhood – in equal measure. From large scale in person events to online accredited learning, we offer a series of development opportunities, which are fun, challenging, and directly relevant to the world of work.  

Here’s a typical one… 

Imagine being tasked to develop and execute a fundraising plan for your local food bank. Your target is ambitious. You not only have to lead a team, but you also must enlist the support of local alumni, engage with key stakeholders in the community and on campus, and you must oversee a budget. Oh, and you need to present your plan and the intended outcome to a group of advisors. Supported by a network of alumni and coaches, this activity, and many more like it, act as an invaluable training ground for becoming a leader. Fun, challenging and deeply practical, the experience lasts a lifetime. 

Our Leadership Offerings  

  • Ideal Man Ideal Man is a four-year personal and professional skill-building program to maximize the Lambda Chi Alpha Membership experience. Focused on developing Brotherhood, competence, and character, its mission is to prepare Members for success during and after college.
  • Stead Leadership College Aimed at serving current and future Officers, Stead Leadership College prepares Members for a position on the High Zeta. The program is designed to build capability within Chapters, and act as a bridge between the Officer experience and the world of work.
  • Leadership Summits Our summits are an opportunity for Brothers to harness their leadership skills, and most importantly, network. In connecting with their peers from across the North America, our global alumni, and our major partners, Brothers have an opportunity to gain knowledge, build confidence and develop professional ties.