
Recruitment; It’s all about a mindset


Recruitment; It’s all about a mindset

Chris Buck Associate Director of Expansion
Chris Buck
Associate Director of Expansion

Over the past few years I have been fortunate enough to visit a ton of campuses and Lambda Chi Alpha chapters and colonies, seeing the very best that our brotherhood has to offer. With all the amazing things these groups do, I continually see that many struggle with recruitment. My belief, is that this struggle occurs due to having the wrong mentality about recruitment. Many of us think recruitment is a chore, an effort to find the chillest guys to improve our social standing, or something we have to limit to the first couple of weeks of school. The truth is, recruitment is so much more. Recruitment is all about building relationships and sharing our brotherhood with those we hope will become our future leaders; it’s about changing lives.

Now you may be thinking, “that statement is a little bold,” but I assure you, I have seen first hand the amazing impact Lambda Chi Alpha can have on someone. We have members who are leading major corporations, raising thousands of pounds of food, and achieving the highest standards of academic success. If I asked many of you what Lambda Chi Alpha has done for you or how it has impacted your life you would say, created friendships, allowed you to lead, given you career connections, and made your college experience more meaningful and rewarding than anything else you are or were apart of. Ultimately, you would share how it has changed your life. That is what recruitment is all about. It’s about sharing that experience with others and showing them how Lambda Chi Alpha could enhance their collegiate experience. How, by joining, they can experience leadership development, opportunity for personal growth, and the enjoyment of tight-knit brotherhood. Potential members will ask about the socials, housing situation, and other little things that they think make a fraternity experience valuable, but once they join they will stay for the stuff that really matters.

Each of us has an obligation to give back to the organization that has given so much to us. Each of you, should be gearing up to go out, network, and change lives. Remember back to the guy who recruited you. If it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t have joined. So go be that guy for others and share the gift of Lambda Chi Alpha.

This article is just the beginning of a fall series I will be writing to give recruitment ideas, share best practices, and highlight the success our members see this term. If your chapter is succeeding at recruiting or doing something unique, let us know so that we can share it with our entire brotherhood.

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