
Stead Leadership College Case Study: Luis Rivera


For Luis Rivera, going for Chapter President was more than a big ask. It was an impossible ask. Sixty members, a 100+ year legacy, a respected Chapter and well-known Alumni, including a board member, was enough to give pause. All of those factors paired with studies, sporting interests and planning one’s future made the decision that much more daunting. And that’s why, when approached to be High Alpha of Alpha-Kappa Zeta (Wabash College), Rivera immediately thought he wouldn’t be able to contribute the time to lead a Chapter he viewed so highly. 

“Leading a Chapter is daunting. Aside from the tasks, there are the actual dynamics of leading people who are also your peers,” said Rivera. “When you think about that, the legacy of the Chapter, what you’ll be responsible for and the time you have available, it’s easy to say no. Thankfully, I didn’t, and thankfully, from the very start I spent time seeking to understand what it means to lead, and how to lead.” 

To be the absolute best leader you can be is a constant work in progress.  That’s why the Lambda Chi Academy and the Stead Leadership College are so important. It’s where we set you up for success. Through bitesize learning and activities, you have an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of your role, and most importantly hear from other Officers. 

The College is split into two tracks: Leadership Ready and Role Ready. Leadership Ready (where you learn how to lead) is the same for every Brother, because when it comes down to it, leadership is all about leading people. Role Ready is different. It’s much more focused on the requirements of the position. There are currently five tracks available: Leading Teams (High Alpha), Essentials in Finance (High Tau), Recruiting & Sales (High Delta), Learning & Development (High Kappa), and Social Responsibility (High Theta).  

“I learned how to delegate between members of the High Zeta well, making it easier to take stress off the plate of every Officer,” said Rivera. “It became easier to relate to my Zeta and work with a team of capable Brothers.”

Since taking over as High Alpha in November 2023, Rivera has made his impact known on the Brotherhood. His Chapter won the prestigious Freshman Class Impact Award at Wabash’s Fraternity Day, beating out the other nine fraternities on campus. They have been devoted to the mission of the American Red Cross and Movember, hosting a successful blood drive where they impacted 132 lives. Under his leadership, the Chapter created a Mental Health Committee with programming from the Wabash Counseling Center tailored for their men. 

Members of Wabash’s Chapter have also stayed involved around student organizations. 

“I felt more prepared, because it has a focus on real world application,” said Rivera. “Leadership Ready and the later Role Ready tracks have a focus on what your Officer position does relating to a business sense.”

To learn more about the Stead Leadership College and how you can benefit, go to: https://www.lambdachi.org/steadleadershipcollege/